big suprise part 3

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Enid and wednesday where peacefully sleeping in Enid was spooned by Wednesday her hands around her large plump belly, Wednesday woke up first her vision turned from blurry to now a clear sight.
She put her head on enids shoulder and rested  it there gently until, Wednesday felt two pairs of little kicks acouple seconds apart though from each kick she looked at enid she was still asleep and wednesday was still fascinated by the sight and like the thought of her babies kicking and could hardly wait for them to enter the world

Enid started to shuffle around waking up from the twins kicking multiple times

She groaned in her still tired state

" mmng....w- what time is it wends?"

She yawned in the muddle of her sentence

Wednesdsy replied with her soft gentle voice that she only let Enid see and witness her caring, soft cuddly genltw side

" its 10: 30 in the morning , did you sleep good? "

Enid faced her and sat halfway as wednesday did the same to acknowledge her

" I slept pretty good until the twins kicked like crazy like they are gonna birthday outta my belly, not a pleasant feeling when it's over and over though . "

Wednesday looked at her then her plump stomach

" its gonna be over soon  trust me only  a month longer I promise and then they are gonna enter the world and we can finally hold them like we talk about and, your back won't be aching and as in so much pain trust me it will be worth it Cara Mia "

Enid put her head on her shoulder and snuggled into her lap

" I can't wait to hold them wednesdsy I truly cannot wait I'm so excited to see our pups wends and im excited to see how they will look too!"

Wednesday replied

" me too Enid I've never been more excited. Well actually since our wedding day i was so excited then and now i feel the same excitement again."

They exchanged kind words towards eachother for until the afternoon watching tv and just sweetly talking and talking about the pups names,how they will look or how they would imagine

Enid got up to go to get clothes and shower for the day and clean up and wednesday had to help her shower because of her big belly bending down to get her soap and stuff she washed enjds hair for her as she told Enid to sit down in the shower since it would be better for Enid anyways

Enid was in complete awe of how wednesdsy was being so gentle with every touch even when she was washing her hair tye rubs on her head where oh so gentle and soft not a rough touch at all

" thankyou wednesday I couldn't do it without you and I mean it my big belly gets in the way "

Wednesday replied

" of course anything for you I'm trying to be more affectionate and it's nice to be that way and I enjoy it "

Enid leaned back on her as there bare bodies touched enids back pressed against wendedays front

Wednesday put her head on her shoulder and kissed enids cheek and said after the kiss

" are you ready to get out hm? "

" yea I am thanks "

Wednesday helped her up and they dried off together

Enid tried to put her underwear on and needed help with just that she felt utterly useless but wendeday made sure she wouldn't feel that way and helped her get her underwear on the rest was fine a little struggle to get some sweatpants on though but she managed

wenclair Oneshots!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora