argument :(

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I'm at our home and I'm waiting for Wednesday to come back does been at work (murder detective)  for a long time today she's been on a long day today since and now its about to be midnight.
I'm waiting near the front door and I wait patiently I feel like a excited puppy waiting fir it's owner to get home but it's my girlfriend I miss her so much, plus we barley have any time together as of now.

She walks in the door and our puppy starts to bark playfully excited to see wendesday .

However she wasn't in the mood for anythibg I knew when to give her some space and I said to her

" I missed you wednesday, I know your day was rough, I was thinking I could start a bath for you and we could cuddle."

Wendesday replied back snarky

" Enid...I dont want to I just want to be alone please"

Enid help wendesdays hand to try and sooth her

Wendesday didint take this lightly and shook her lovers hand off .

Wednesday was angyr and yelped at her and made it clear

" Enid just leave me alone ! Can't you just give me some space for once after I get home from work ! ? Stop clinging to me like a puppy with separation anxiety?! "

Enid was about to cry but didint show it

" I am just wondering if I could've done something to help yo-"

Wednesday cut her off
And replied with

" well I dont need it Enid I just want to be alone is that too much to ask?!"

Enid stood still and respected what was said, wednesday stared at her and Enid replied

" well goodnight to you then."

Wednesday went to their room and slept someplace else in their home

As Enid cried in a spare room on her phone scrolling in tik tok

Wednesday was still  heated as she layed in bed figuring out when he rover would show uo she knew she'd come back to bed .

Well she never went back to the room Enid shared with Wednesday she Decided to sleep some place else in their large home .

Wednesday fell asleep. She woke up in the muddle of the night at 3 am she looked for Enid no where to be seen or found.

She knocked on the bathroom door snd gave up she was very drousy tripping and collapsing in her own steps .

Morning came onlu one door was locked the big closet door

She checked the other rooms,Thierry rooms closet, their spare rooms, living room.

She knocked on the door no response Wednesday wasn't dumb though She heard shuffling inside she tried to open the door but Enid held the doornob

"E-Enid? Are you in here ?"

She let go of the door nob and just locked it .

" im sorry Enid I didint mean it"

Enid replied

" did you really?"

She sounded like her nose was stuffy and had been crying the whole night

Wednesday talked back

"I promise I didint really mean it I- I promise you I didint "

Enid replied

" wouldn't I be too clingy and annoying? Huh?"

Wednesday was shocked

" I didint mean it and...I'm"

Her forhead was at the door and her hand until she heard the door unlock

Enid opened it slowly scared wendesday would be mad at her but when she saw wednesday she had regret all over her face such as guilt, shame and other things too.

Enid looked very sleep deprived red eyes from crying puffy under angy eyes, a red nose, and was tired even while she stood to face wednesday.

" Enid I mean it I'm really sorry shouldn't have called you those things and screamed at you lastnight I'm sorry"

Enid replied with a sniffle

" Wednesday ik sorry too for pushing you, but I just don't want you to do that because, it really hurt my feeling more worse than something else too."

Wemdesday gave her a big hug
Enid returned it back while Enid rested her head on Wednesdays shoulder finding peace and feeling safe .

Wednesday spoke again

" I won't do it again, I promise I don't wana do it again ever"

Enid  replied

" there there, your okay "

She rubbed Wednesdays back soothingly

Wednesday guided Enid to their room so they could sleep and watch TV.

The end :)

Smut next?

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