Part- 4 Info about Miss Singh

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SM- What was going on??

AK- was going on...I...slipped...he...hold...actually... (in mind- aree...why I am stammering??)

SN- Huh!! Nothing bro... she just slipped and I hold her...

SM- aree... I was just jocking Why are you stammering Avni??

AK- no.... aaac...bye I have college...

SM- yeah... Bye

AK (to SN)- Bye (softly)

(Author- Kya karu haaye...kuch kuch hota hai...

AK- shut up!!

Author- (emotional damage))

SN- Bye (rudely)

(Author- Khadoosh kahi ka)

She went...

SM- when you arrived??

SN- just right now...

SM- come let me show your room...

SN- yeah...

In the room—

SN- did u find the girl u were searching for these years??

SM- yes... I asked Raghav to give all info about her...

SN- oh that's great... I'll just go and freshen up myself...

SM- yeah... sure.

(gets a call and leaves the room)

MS- hello its Miss Mallika Singh... how can I help you??

Sm(someone)- well... let me warn you DON'T GO TO COLLEGE TOMORROW AS U HAVE DANGER AHEAD...

MS- what!! What danger??

(hanged up)

MS- hello?? Hello??

MS (to herself)- I have danger tomorrow?? I can't go to college?? But tomorrow I have my final exam... and if I don't go I will fail... wait a second it can be a wrong number too... coz as far as I can remember I don't have any rival... No I shall prepare for my exam...

SM- so what's the update Raghav??

R- sir her name is Miss Mallika Singh... due to some family conflict she lives in an orphanage... she studies in Xaviours college and the fees of her studies is given by her... she barely contacts with her family... but we have heard that she was very much loved by her parents and especially by her brother and after her brother's death she moved to a hostel and now she lives in the orphanage as she feels connected to children according to her... according to the info after her father's illness she moved to the orphanage... right now her mother lives with her father in Golden apartment for last two years and she barely visits them...

SM- what illness her father has??

R- sir ten years back her father had a severe heart attack... doctors said if much pressure is given to him he can suffer with paralysis...

SM- fine... which stream Miss Singh is studying??

R- sir Fine arts...

SM- ok thankyou Raghav...

R- you are most welcome sir...

(hanged up the call)

SM- let's make your father suffer Miss Singh...

(called someone)

SM- hello (secret)

Sm- ok sir

Later that day...

In a call...

Driver(D)- Hello sir??

SM- yes??

D- sir actually my son is very sick and I urgently need to admit him in the hospital... so...

SM- it's ok... you can take your leave... and yes don't just forget to inform me when needed...

D- thank you sir... thank you so much.

SM- you are most welcome.

(hanged the call)

Sumedh was about to leave to pick up Avni but suddenly he got a call...

In Sid's room-

Sid was working in his room on a project...

Someone knocks the door...

SN- come in.

SM- ummm... Sid are you busy??

SN- not actually... proceed...

SM- Actually the driver has taken an emergency off and I have an urgent meeting with Mr. Singhania... So can you please pick up Avneet from her college...

SN- yeah sure...

Bye Sakhis and Sakhas for today

Do comment and tell who actually warned Mallika?

let me give you a hint- the person is a female and you will soon meet her in the upcoming part...

Will soon update a new part soon (Part- 5 Rude uncle), which is already ready.... just waiting for completing 5 followers and in need of 5 votes

Hope you liked the part

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And also share the story with other sumellikan...

bye bye

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