Chapter 3

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Vegas pov

I hurriedly came down the stairs to see what was happening. What I saw made me utterly speechless. Macau and a guy who I think is Pete were talking, more like screaming at each other spouting nonsense. I got pissed and said,
"What the hell is going on here?"

They both looked at me and Macau said , "Hia see, there's a mummy here!"
"Hey I told you I'm not!" the guy said whining. How cute!!

Wait what??!

"But-" Macau started again but I cut him off by saying, "That's enough both of you. Mac, this is Pete. He is wearing bandages because he is hurt" I said as calmly as possible.

"Wait! Pete?! He's the one you're going to marry??!" Mac asked me surprised.

"M-marry!?" Pete said shocked.

I sighed heavily and started talking.
"There was a change of plans. So we aren't going to marry anymore. Instead we have to pretend as boyfriends for a month. I'll tell you everything in detail tomorrow. Go to sleep now."

After listening to me carefully Macau said, "OK hia, good night! And good night mum- I mean phi Pete!!" Macau said awkwardly.

"Hmm night Mac!"

After he went away I turned to Pete who was looking at me."Pete, right?" I asked him directly looking at his doe eyes. He nodded his head slowly at that.

Pete pov

After the guy who thought I was a mummy left, I was alone in the kitchen with this hot dude.

'Shia why is he sooooo handsome!!!' I thought dreamily. On second thought, I wouldn't mind him being my husband. Hehe.

Suddenly he looked at me and asked, "Pete, right?" I wanted to say something like 'I can be whoever you want me to be, gorgeous.' but decided against it knowing that I suck at flirting. So I just slowly nodded a yes.

"Are you okay? Um... your face is red??"

Shia Pete! You just had to go ahead and embarrass yourself by blushing like a teenager. I mentally face palmed myself. "I- I'm fine." I said shyly.

"OK, go to sleep now. We'll talk in the morning." He was about to walk away after saying that but I stopped him.
"W-wait, who are you?" I asked.

He looked at me for a while and said,
"Your father didn't tell you??"

At the mention of my father I remembered the situation I was actually in. My father had sold me to a stranger!! I looked down sadly. Though he had been horrible to me all my life, I still felt like I had a family because of him. But now he threw me away because he didn't want me anymore.

"I'm Vegas. I need your help with something. If it goes well, I will give you freedom to do anything you like after that. But if you fail, I'll be sure to make your father suffer." He said with cold eyes.

I looked at him with wide eyes and muttered a small 'okay'.

He then nodded his head and was about to leave but not before saying, "There are noodles in the top cupboard if you are hungry. Don't have too much sugar this late at night."

'Shia! he must have seen me holding this cookies and he probably thinks that I'm a weirdo' I thought pouting.

I mentally thanked him for the noodles and got on my tip toes, got 2 packets of noodles and prepared it for eating.

After eating I found my way back to the room somehow and slept soundly with a happy stomach.


I was startled awake by the knocking on the door and quickly got up thinking that my father needs me for something.

Oh right! I'm not at home. I sighed with both relief and anxiety. I was still skeptical about what that hot guy wanted from me. I opened the door.

There was a middle aged woman at the door. "Good morning khun Pete. Khun Vegas has asked me to bring you for breakfast."

Oh great! Finally some food!! Hehe.
I bowed to her politely and wished her a good morning before walking after her.

I went downstairs and saw the two brothers sitting on a big table enough for 10 people. The handsome guy uh, Vegath I think, was sitting at the head while the cute kid uh, Macau I guess, was sitting to his right side. I wished them a good morning while smiling brightly.

Macau pov

Damn! What an eventful night last night was!

After getting ready I went downstairs to have breakfast. I didn't have school today since it was Saturday.

"Morning hia!" I said to my brother who was already seated at the table.

"Morning Mac! Come sit down, I need to tell you something."

Then he explained to me about the property, the lady who owned that and the fact that she will be staying here for a month.

"Does phi Pete know this?" I asked.

"I'll tell him when he comes here." Hia said thoughtfully.

I nodded my head and was about to start eating when phi Pete came and wished us good morning.

Wow! He has such a nice smile. He looks so cheerful in the morning. I wished him back and looked at hia who was staring at phi Pete with awe?!

I looked at hia, then phi Pete and hia again.

Oh my god!!!!
I've never even solved a maths problem this fast huh!

Damn! I have never seen my hia looking at something this way ever!! Hia is going to be in love!! Woaaah!!

I was so happy inside that I went to phi Pete and hugged him. He hugged me back and I made him sit next to hia.

'I think I will be playing cupid for these two'. I thought smiling.

Vegas pov

After explaining the situation to Macau we heard Pete wishing us good morning and I looked at him.


Why is he smiling like that?
And are those dimples on his cheeks?? How can someone be this cute???

I was awoken from my daydream when Macau made him sit next to me. I cleared my throat and muttered a small 'good morning'.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why is my heart beating this fast?

I shook my head and tried to concentrate.

But I couldn't stop myself from starting at him happily munching on his food while talking to Macau.

After the breakfast Mac went to his room while I took Pete to my office to discuss the matter about the property. After explaining everything to him, I told him to ask if needs to know anything.

He thought for a while and said,
"But khun Vegath, how can we pretend to be boyfriends? We don't even know each other."

"That's why we have to make up a story, Pete. We need to make her believe that we are actually dating. I have something to do today. I will be back by the evening. We'll discuss about this more then. For now, go outside to buy some clothes and things you need to live here. I'll send my bodyguards with you."

He opened his mouth then closed again and nodded his head.

After that we parted away and I left for work.

To be continued...

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