Chapter 23

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I came with auntie to her company since I was feeling bored at home. I was spying- I mean visiting the cafeteria, hehe. I was staring at the spicy curry that made my mouth water. I was about to order it when someone spoke from behind me.


I froze on the spot. That- that voice...

I turned around and gasped. "D-d-dad?"

He scowled. "Oh you finally remember you have a dad, huh?" He growled.

"W-what do you m-mean dad?" I asked scared.

"Come with me." He said before dragging me to a corner.

"Now listen to me well...... I have come here with my boss and you have to do what I am telling you." Father said.

I gulped in fear. "W-what?"

"We are going to meet khun Anchali now. And you will tell her how Vegas asked you to be his fake fiancé to get his father's property." He said.

"B-but dad, V-Vegath and I are dating each other for real now. We- we love each other a lot." I said in a small voice.

Father laughed. "You believe that for real? I didn't know you were this stupid." He said looking at me disgusted. "I'm disappointed to have such a brainless son."

I looked down with tears rolling down my face. Am I really that bad?

You are amazing baby. So much.......

I love you too baby.....

Vegath's words rang in my ears. Vegath loves me and he said that I'm perfect for him. That's all that matters right? B-but it really hurts when father says it like that. I thought sobbing.

"B-but dad, I can't betray Vegath. I really love him a lot." I said in pain.

Father glared at me. "You really are going to choose him over me, huh?! Ungrateful little shit!!"

I flinched hard at his words. I gulped. "I-I didn't mean it like that. But please don't do this. V-Vegath and I will tell auntie ourselves. Please dad.." I begged desperately. How can I even think of hurting my love?!

Father scoffed. "If you don't do as I say now, you can stop calling me your dad from now on." He said coldly.

"W-why do you keep saying that d-dad? You-you told that the day you sold me as well." I asked sobbing. Why does father hate me so much? I thought sadly.

"Now you are talking back to me, huh?!" Father sighed. "I didn't sell you that day. It was just an act. My boss wanted to find something against Vegas. So we sent you to him knowing he will choose you as his fake lover. But knowing how dumb you are, I didn't tell you anything in the beginning. Later I went to that cafe to explain things to you. But you ran away like a scaredy cat." He said rolling his eyes.

"I-it was you at the cafe that day?" I asked shocked.

"Of course you idiot." He said sighing. "Let's go now. They must be waiting." Father said before walking away.

Seeing that I wasn't moving father held my hand and started dragging me.

When we were outside auntie's office room, he let go of my hand that had turned red because of the tight grip.

"Wipe that tears off your face. If you fuck up I swear I will kill you!" He said without any emotion.

"Where the hell is Pete?!" I heard when father opened the door.

Everyone in the room turned to look at us. Vegath's eyes met mine and they turned soft immediately. My eyes teared up. My Vegath...

"Baby..." He said before coming to me. But father stood in front of me and I whimpered wanting to hide in my Vegath's embrace, my safe heaven.

Destined to be yours Vegaspete ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz