Rain, Winds, Love in the Air | Chapter 2: Progress of Asking

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This morning was silent and calming. Surprisingly, it rained heavily last night, so this morning the weather was a bit humid, and cold, so they had to go layered clothes as well for today.

The two cops had a good rest last night for once in a while. The sheriff and deputy were on patrol in the city. There has been no report since the morning of today, they feel a bit calmer about it. They were listening to the radio in their car, putting on some old nostalgic 70-80's songs.

The two haven't talked much this morning. They were both afraid to strike up a conversation—leaving an awkward silence on them.

When It's almost 7 minutes after they got in from the car, the deputy finally started a conversation,

"Hey. John... Would you mind if we go somewhere else this afternoon?", John was just still staring at the window, as if nothing had happened. Jack said once more to make sure, "Well, if you mind, John?"

John didn't realize he was ignoring his deputy for a second. He let out a quiet sigh. John lingered, looked at Jack with no hesitation, "Uh, sure. Where?", he asked the deputy who was driving. Jack looked pretty excited but nervous to say, he scratched the back of his neck as he replied to John, "I can't tell where it is for now. But, can it just be both of us?", He smiled nervously to show an impression.

John could tell from his 'unpromising' expression, recognizing it immediately. He pretends to not notice, he knew he didn't want to disappoint his deputy, after all, he was the only one who cared about himself a lot.

Well, he doesn't have any choice then. He let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as smiled at him, "Hmm. Whatever you said, Jack.", he smiled.

Jack was going to scream excitement after hearing John's reply, if he could though. "Thank you, John!", he said with excitement. He was having thoughts that John would reject him at first, but glad he was already to tell him.

John can't tell how much he adores his partner so much, he hardly expresses it. He always wanted to but it's harder when the other person doesn't know about it, he kept thinking. He is hardly desperate, wanting Jack to know. was minding his own business before the deputy interrupted his mind,

"Hey, I've noticed you haven't talked a lot with me lately. Do you have some problem with something? I mean, I could help with it.", Jack shrugged his right shoulder, asking John. He didn't mean to say it, but Jack noticed how John always stared at the windows a lot this morning, maybe he could stare there for hours. It seems that John might have a problem.

He was dazed by Jack's question, unable to think of a reply, "Uh, um- nothing.", he mumbled. He didn't mean to say that at first, but he couldn't think of another word. John moved his both hands to his thighs against his brown jeans, twitching his hands together. Trying to ignore Jack's question just now.

Jack notices John's hand gestures. He felt bad for asking that earlier, he sighed, "Please don't hide it. You're doing the hand. What happened?",

He had been having a difficult time this couple of weeks, he doesn't like to admit it. But doesn't like to make Jack wait either. "Uh. It's just, yesterday was... just.", He wasn't expecting Jack to notice his hand gestures earlier, It was just resulting in embarrassment.

The deputy wasn't sure about the other man, looking at his unsure expression, "Yeah.", he replied.

Jack can't help but notice how John acts. He looks tired all of the time, it's hard to tell what mood he's in. Jack looked at the sheriff beside him. He was all positive this morning, thinking it would cheer him up for a little,

"Hm, well, that's why I ask you to go out.", he said as he smiled at him. Both of them eyed each other for a second before the sheriff even spoke, "That's a really nice of you, deputy.", John was a little flustered, and felt a little calmer after hearing the deputy's words.

John forgot to ask Jack something. looked at the deputy beside him, "Ah, also, are you the one who carried me all the way to my-", Jack cutted his words, "What? uh-", The deputy spoke, tripping over his words. Didn't think of John asking that. Even though it was clearly obvious that Jack carried him last night. John sighed,

"Just say it... I know."

He went silent for a minute, taking the time to process himself from answering.

"...Yes.", Jack admits.

Jack stayed silent for a while, John knew it already, but it's embarrassing to talk about it. John tried to smile a little, "W-why? you could just-"

Jack cutted his words. "No- I - I mean, I can't just wake you up, you know?.", he was right, too, Jack didn't want to wake John up at that time. Jack was embarrassed. "I understand that.", John crossed his arms, without saying anything.

The two of them stayed in silence. Jack didn't mean to say that, which made him feel guilty. "Well, I was so glad I could help you, John, You don't feel bad about it...?". Jack smiled nervously at John, he almost trembled—but he was able to control himself.

John chuckled, "Is that true?", John asked, he placed the palm of his right hand on his cheek. "Yeah. That was a rough day of work for this week. Well, I was struggling a lot yesterday too. You deserve the break, John.", Jack shrugged his shoulders, giving a smile to John. John smiled back at the deputy, "You deserve the break too deputy.",

"I hope you can take care of yourself, when I'm not around."

He smiled back at the sheriff, "Of course, I'll do."

The two of them stayed silent for a while, feeling relieved after what just happened. Although, they have rarely talked to each other since yesterday because they focus on their respective jobs, who would think a break would cope them after the hard work.

John sighed, "Erm, You're really strong enough to carry me, deputy.", even though he's small compared to Jack, surprisingly, John was an average weight man.

"Eh, It wasn't something serious. You really have a light weight. No offense, though. I think that is cute, honestly.", he smiled as he said that to the sheriff. Jack felt it was quite noticeable about their sizes, but the fact he admires their both size differences.

The sheriff looked at him and had no idea what he's talking about. He looked towards the car window, hiding his red face from his partner. John didn't really like being called short in some way, but sometimes he felt like it when Jack joked about his height. He turned his head to the deputy, "Eh, am I that small?", he asked the deputy.

The deputy let out a quiet sigh, "You sure you are. I really appreciate the way you are, John. No matter what.", he smiled. John smiled at the words from his deputy partner. Jack really likes to praise him.

"Ah, you've been a great partner too, Jack. Knowing I was paired with you on your first day here. You were just a new kid, but - you did your job great. Officer Jack", He crossed his arms, giving a smile to his deputy. John was a veteran officer, and sheriff who he was paired with Jack on his first day. Who knew they both would get along so well.

Jack looked back at him, stayed for a while before answering, "Hm, I was so glad we got paired up on our first day."

"By the way, can we stop to get donuts? I'm a bit kind of hungry right now after that long talk. It's not really far from here", asking John.

He nodded his head, "Hm, yeah, sure. I think I can smoke there for a while."

They have a conversation as they drive to the place.

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