Rain, Winds, Love in the Air | Chapter 3: GoNuts for Donuts

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They stopped at Go-Nuts after a few minutes driving, not too long to make it there. They both got out of the car. The second they got out of the car there was a wind hitting them. This morning it was cloudy and windy, probably because it rained heavily last night.

Jack was heading to the place, "Hey John, I'll order, what do you want?" he called.

"As usual. You know." he pulled out his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"Know your relationship with glazed maples and chocolate donuts." Jack chuckled, "Okay, then. I'll be as usual too." Jack got inside and went to the cashier to order.

John chose to stay outside while waiting for Jack with their order. This morning was windy and cold, he took one cigarette from the pack and lit it. There is not too often windy weather in the morning. This morning had a different atmosphere than the previous morning. John went to the outdoor dining in front of the shop.

John was relieved that his investigative work was complete. There haven't been any new cases for today, but at least he can take a break after a while. John was minding his own business and enjoying the cool air that morning. And Jack said he was gonna take him out this afternoon. When has he become this lucky? Invited by the coolest deputy, whom he appreciates in the world? John couldn't stop blushing.

The sheriff stayed outside for a minute, later, Jack came out of the donut shop and came to John with their order. He saw John pondering while smoking a cigarette. It was completely normal for Jack seeing him like this, but this was different, something. Jack wanted to ask him something, "Are you okay? ...John?"

"Nothing. *smokes* I just hope we can live our days quietly like this. This is... quite different." John sighed. He was facing down. John sometimes feels a little tired of his work, it makes it difficult for him to find himself relaxed, or control himself. John felt so ashamed saying this but he really wanted to tell it so bad. He put his left hand in his large coat's pocket, with one right hand handling his cigar.

The deputy saw John very disappointed, saddened by this situation. He let out a long sigh, clenched his palms together, "Yeah, I can relate to that, John. We are doing our best to make this town safe. I think we care too much about that, I mean, we don't always get free time like this." Jack pondered about it, he was just thinking about it now. Jack wasn't the best at comforting his sheriff, but he had tried his best.

"Well, here we are. *smokes* There is no day without some crazy stuff going. Even the mayor had been hard on us. What do we get? Nothing. We don't get that much respect." He lowered his voice as he dropped his left hand. John sounded like he was going to cry, but he was holding it. Brother! Since when have you not been able to control yourself? You almost cried in front of him. As if there was a voice telling himself in his mind.

Jack looked at the sheriff who was still facing down, trying to calm him down. Jack rubbed the back of the sheriff. "I. Um, yeah." Jack handed him the bag of his order of drinks and donuts, "Also, here. Along with your black coffee of course."

"Thanks, Jack. *smokes*"

Jack clicked his tongue, giving a worried expression to his sheriff, "So, um. Are you going to rest today... John?"

The sheriff sighed, "You always ask me that every day. *smokes* I told you. I will try my best." John covered his mouth with his right hand after a second saying that. He lowered his voice, and was very embarrassed by his hoarse voice. Jack understands John now. "I understand." He pondered, clasping his hands together. He took a quiet sigh, begging the sheriff.

"Erm, I hope so. Well, you looked so worn-out last night... I couldn't stop thinking about that. " Jack slowly lowered and tilted his head, covered his face and faced down. Giving time to breathe for a moment. If I were John now... I can relate how he struggles to sleep, eat, and work. I'm sorry, John. I'm doing the best I can.

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