Rain, Winds, Love in the Air | Ch. 7: You're my Countryland, John Cityland, Jack

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It's done. We married in the year 2014. November 31. The same month where same-sex marriage is allowed in our state, Arizona. You always said that your family's bad, but, wherever you go, you always go back to your family. We flew to Hamburg 7 days after our wedding. It was fun to get to know the other side of a state, you introduced me to your family. It was exciting to have its tradition and culture. I'm glad you changed your mind.

Right that day, you took me to a huge, large wheat field. Right after we just arrived in Hamburg, you really waited all that time in the plane just for taking me to this place? That's silly of you, John. I don't blame you, the view was beautiful that day. The sky was clear, they said it's gonna be the same for the next 3 days. But the next day... It thundershowered. But I'm glad you took me that day. This place—you told me this is the place you always been when you were young. I myself have never been into this kind of place, but I'm glad you had a wonderful juvenescence, ought to experience this. I may be your future, but it's okay if I get to know your past? I just reckon that just happened. You used to sneak up at night with other kids and explore the country and one of the places is this wheat field, the next day, all the parents scold their child for sneaking up at night. I laughed so hard listening to that when you tell the story in the plane! ...I'm glad.

Back again, I was trying to reach you close. You had those red flannel shirts on, light brown sand flared trousers, and your dark brown eyes that I will never forget. Do I look decent to you, John? I always wear anything that is one of the blue shades, and crappy old jeans. You have a great taste, John. That was one of the things that makes you more admirable. You do a lot more than work, you have the look, you have the fluffiest hair I could ever touch, a height where I could easily give you forehead kisses.

Do I need to mention something? I love it when you sing country songs for me. You have the voice.

The difference between us is imperfect but that is what makes us together. You're the man with a lot of past, present, and future. I was desperately close to you.

You make saving all of my love and attention just for you. It was like I had nowhere to go, but I don't care about going anywhere anymore. I want to go where you are standing. And I will hold your hand, and you will be by my side. As long as I can still be next to you, why not? You are my second home. You are the person I want to say "I love you" everyday.

— Yours truly, Jack. ♡


I can't believe it, Jack. You took me to the state where you were born and raised. It was 8 weeks after we flew to Hamburg. I don't remember it clearly, but you said you have a pretty difficult time visiting both of your parents, right? Jack, I never said you should make up your parents. I believe, if you have a bad connection with them. It's your decision whenever you will apologize, and sorry to them. And as your husband—I will support you if the times you go through are rough, I will help you by your side.

Hey. I'm glad you have the courage to visit your parents. I had to cut my hair to make a good impression. I was not by your side when you were discussing with them and I was outside, but I saw you were crying. That crying of happiness, when you came up to me and introduced me to your parents. "This is John. He's my husband! I have for a while." I was like a toy! You're so big and you held my arms and gently pushed me to introduce me to your parents... I want to cry out of happiness too. Then we have dinner and you promise to make up some time to talk to your parents.

I found myself stuck in the darkness. I had a very terrible past, that past will go on stuck with me. You are the person who came to light up in my darkness. You were a big change to me. Seeing your smile, hearing your jokes, and you always got the chance to hold my hand.

You really make me show my soft side, don't you? It's all true. You make me feel more relaxed and care less about the job. I'm happy to be close to you. I would snuggle up to you right now if I can and then we talk about our rings, and... our future. There's always a space of hope when I'm close with you. Like, when I look into your face, I imagined we would go somewhere else far, far away from this world. However, I thought back, wasn't that impossible. And you just keep laughing when I bring you that every time. But I believe it. We promised to make time to take each other to places.

When I crawl into you at bed, you always look big as ever. Your face is easy to read, you really have a big smile and heart. Then we have the time to discuss everything at that right moment. Sometimes you just fall asleep. It's just the time where I think that I've finally had someone to rest with. It's just, I finally had the right amount of love and affection when I'm with you, the amount of love and affection that I've been longing to wait all this time. When I'm tired, you're the one who leaves your shoulders to rest for me. When I'm happy, because I think of you and the joy you bring into my life. Being with you is the easiest choice I have ever made, and I'm so lucky I get to make it every day. You are worthy of my attention and love.

— Always and forever, John. ☆ 

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