Rain, Winds, Love in the Air | Chapter 5: Winds in The Rainy S...

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Current Date: Saturday, March 12rd. 2013.
Location: In a town somewhere in Arizona.

They went through their patrols around the city housing, so far, there was no call whatsoever. They only talked briefly and listened to a 50s song played randomly on the radio. They are very happy to have this day, taking a short break from their tiring work. It's not like they are often getting breaks. Being the only active officer doesn't have that much time for celebrations can they?

Jack focused on the weather that was being displayed on their radio. It is pointed out that today will be windy and rainy until late afternoon. Jack was very disappointed, but he actually expected it from the start; sighed heavily. It was obvious just from looking at the sky. A clear gray sky and strong wind direction. John feels comfortable in his seat, it feels like he can sleep at any time in this time. During these moments, he would not have the nerve to talk. Whenever he feels like it, it's just thinking about your problems and personal feelings until you fall asleep.

John straightened his sitting position, took a long midnight blue fabric and made it around his neck, making himself now comfortable and warm. The serious and bold expression of the Deputy was astonishing, it was rare for him to put on that face. Haha, John wanted to laugh after seeing that, but was covered by the long fabric he was wearing. He really didn't care about what the Deputy thought. After all, John spent time thinking about his own thoughts.

Couldn't wait anymore. John felt that his eyes were heavy as he tried to lean to his seat more, "Hey, Jack. I'm gonna nap, take care. You would?" Jack reflexively led to John who had just spoken. Before he could even speak, Jack noticed the scarf which was used by John. The scarf was given by Jack, even though it was old and only kept in the glove compartment of their car. It feels like he hasn't seen the scarf for a long time since winter last year. Jack responded to him after a while, "Oh... Okay, yeah." he nodded.

The Deputy felt uncomfortable during his patrol. The streets were deserted and papers were flying on the street. Doing this was very dizzy for him, he tuned a few songs to distract him, but seemed unable to. He took out a long sigh.

1:15 PM

Jack's mind seemed to oscillate. Jack paused at the bus stop for a moment. He turned off the radio and wanted it to be quiet as ever. He had to stop for a while, thinking it would be bad if he kept things going while he's in an uncomfortable position. The windy and foggy weather was low, no one seemed to want to go out of the house that afternoon. Jack didn't really understand the sudden change with weather this morning, even though it was pretty much predictable.

It wasn't until this time that the cold weather bothered him. Jack shivered, pulling his sweater tighter around his body. He always does not care, ignores and avoids all his problems. The usual Jack would not admit all these things, just for a while. Now he covers, underneath all these layered clothes. When will he face reality?

The next thing he knew his head was pounding.

Fiddlesticks! I wasn't expecting that. Well in a situation like this, John always remained calm, right? How do I even think like him when I'm his Deputy anyway? I likely will never be as controlled as him. He held tightly to the slightly dark blue jeans, resulting in his anger and embarrassment.

In the middle of his wild thoughts—he noticed a sound. The resulting sound was only the sound of soft breathing from the Sheriff. Jack turned his gaze to the sheriff, he blushed—he wasn't supposed to hear all the snoring, although he could hear it clearly, it was like an embarrassing thing to hear. John's face was covered from mouth to nose by a scarf. The reds on certain parts of John's face make it more appealing. How he leaned back on his seat and crossed his arms across his chest, it looked comfortable even if he just looked at it.

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