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I repaired Rain's car all by myself. I asked my staff to contact him to come and take the car from the garage. I've already instructed P'Aon that they should not take money from Rain as fees, because he is my boy.

P'Aon asked me whether I was meeting him or not. But I am sure that he won't dare to meet me.

As soon as he left, P'Aon came running to me to inform me and he was surprised that why did Rain really hadn't met me.

"What did you do to him?" He asked curiously, because other than my twin brother Saifha and my best friend Prapai, only P'Aon knows about my dark love life.

"I haven't done anything," I smirked and winked at him, so that he would understand my reply completely: 'I haven't done anything YET.'


I came back to my office, Saifha was sitting and reading in there. I was in a very good mood and Saifha noticed it. I took out my phone and called Rain.

My actual intention behind this phone call is to tease him and nothing else.

Rain was very furious when he understood that it was me calling. So, I clarified to him that I am calling him to discuss the cost of repair.

"You said it was free."

"Nothing in this world is free, Son."

"How much? I have money." he asked after a moment of silence. I could sense that he must be raging like fire right now.

"I don't want money" I said.

"Then what do you want?"

I said, "From now on you must behave like an educated person. I don't want people to say that my junior lack manners. That's all," and disconnected the call.

Saifha was observing me closer. He is the person who always asks me to have a relationship instead of being single. From my expression right now, he could say that I was talking to someone I am interested in.

He asked, "Hold on Payu, you're smiling like this, are you hiding something from me."

"When I'll have a wife, I'll tell you by myself." As I walked out of the office, I heard him saying, "Who the heck made you smile like that? I really feel sorry for that person." I couldn't help but smile.

'Saifha knows me really well'.


I am always thinking about him, like crazy. I cannot get rid of his cute pouting face from my head. Am I afraid of losing him? Is he that important to me?

I've not decided to stop following him. I am now on my way to the university to find him there, because he won't even reply to my message regarding the fees.


When I reached the faculty, my juniors, especially girls, were swarming towards me. This is not new for me because during the five years I studied here, I had a great fan base. I was enquiring with the other students about this freshman in the faculty. But he himself came to me, stupid boy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He yelled at me and tried to run away.

But I got a strong clutch on his hand and didn't let him run.

Other students were surprised to realize that I was searching for Rain. He was trying to get out of my hold, I tried to take him away from the crowd, but he was reluctant to come with me. So, I decided to discuss this matter there itself.

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