part 4

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Waking up from my sleep and feeling somewhat good even thought my back fucking hurts I see an new system quest saying run a hundred laps which I thought was a fucking joke untill I blinked looked away blinked again and look back and it was still there 😃 I of course went to pick decline when it said accept or decline

bcuz I couldn't see the reward but no the motherfucker was acting dumb asf and said pick again so I continued to pick decline for at least 20 minutes bcuz you gots to be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gon run that long around a whole motherfucker forest like bffr 💀

untill I finally decided to press accept and it worked and when I tell you a motherfucking is fuming cuz I was trying to press decline for 20 minutes just to see when I pressed accept it worked like why was the option decline even their? But anyways I got my lazy ass up even thou I didn't see Stefan ngl I forgot his name for a moment but I don't think he actually told me and just started running since their was an blue arrow pointing where I should go and I followed it for a good two hours before I saw Stefan and told him I was just running but anyways the system eventually gives me like an 30 minutes break after like two hours but it would've frfr been

breaking my feet and my ability to move if it had me moving for another five minutes to be fucking for real  but during my little break I saw some cute little crystal things so I took like 5 or 10  cuz like why the fuck not even thou it could've killed me now that I'm thinking about it  but I put it in my clothes and begin running after taking a sip of the good ass water that was by the Crystal it almost made cry with how good the water was but ngl my time for my break was  done and

I automatically started running faster then before cuz I was fucking tired of running and soon enough I finish my running and when I look to see my motherfucking reward u know what this bitch ass system tells me it tells me my FUCKING REWARD is not ready but u know what it's cool yk I only almost fucking died about a hundred thousand times but at least I found some pretty ass crystals 

Hi this is the author and  I just want y'all to know I am not editing or fixing any grammar till this book is over and I'm not adding a single period or anything and i hardly fucking update

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