pills n potions

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Von sped down the streets of California,  without even bothering to stop at a red light or even a stop sign.  He didn't even care that he may have caused a few accidents. All on his mind was making sure Naeomi was okay. Even though this was not apart of his plan, he could not let something happen to her. It would ruin everything. He was just about to heat things up, this other shit could not interrupt his plans.

Finally after tracking her location he ended up seeing her car, parked behind the Hollywood sign. He frowns because he didn't understand why would she even be right here at this time.  But nevertheless he parks his car, and rushes over to her pink convertible.  As he approached her, he saw that her make up was completely ruined, her eyes red as hell meaning she was high off something. He never seen her look so broken and Low, which made him smile in the inside. It was something about seeing a broken hearted woman that just did something for him. It reminded him of how Bria once was. This was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of this girl.

" Ma... what happened?" He asks, faking concern as he got into her car.

" This", she replies lazily,  handing him her phone,  not even wanting to explain.

He frowns his face up confused because he seen her phone on instagram on the shaderoom page. But after a few minutes of staring at her screen because he could only read at a kindergarten level now it finally clicks. Apparently some insider had reported that Cameron Anderson has filed to be legally single and had leaked embarrassing things about Naeomi. One of the things being about the secret child that had and no one knew about until today. It was a 3 year old boy, his name is Aeko Catori Anderson.

" I thought you couldn't have kids", Von says, confused as he places her phone down.

" I can't, 3 years ago I had Aeko but I didn't know that I was even pregnant,  see I had him at 6 months, it was a low time in my life. The modeling agencies didn't want to hire me because I started to gain weight out of no where. So I started to take drugs, really bad. One day I was having bad pains so I took a little more pills than necessary and I had to make a run to the store,  so as I was driving, I start convulsing and I blacked out,  what happened was I had overdosed  but thankfully I survived but what I didn't know Is that the doctors had to deliver the baby while I was unconscious because he was nearly crushed due to the accident. Cameron was so angry at me, hell I was angry with myself. I was so off them drugs I couldn't even tell I was pregnant, Aeko was so unhealthy because he was barely surviving, the doctor told me that I would never be able to have children again because of the accident", Naeomi explains to Dayvon, tears running down her face.

" But I'm confused... so where was yo son for the last 3 years?" Von asks.

" With Cameron's mom and dad. They took him, it was supposed to be temporarily because I was going to Rehab for about 6 months,  Cameron made me stay 2 whole years, then when I came and wanted to Take Aeko home his parents wouldn't let me because they took my rights away, but I had to focus because we had the twins already so I had to just move on...  ", she says, more tears running down her face, she felt sick to her stomach. 

" So you havent seen Aeko since he was a baby?" Von asks, feeling a little bad for her.

" No, Cameron wouldn't even show me any pictures of him", she says, sighing.

" That's really foul... Ima help you get yo son back", Von says to her.

" Von you don't know Cameron's family. They are some really dangerous people. I don't want anything to happen to you because of them. They are some fucked up individuals ", she says quickly, looking over at him with panic in her big brown eyes.

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