The plane accident

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Skylar Frost born in Juneau, Alaska. She loved it there. Her parents owned their own ski/snowboarding spot. Skylar's brother, River, had been the one to teach her how to snowboard and do all sorts of things. Her parents usually traveled for skiing and snowboarding competitions. They would leave River in charge of Skylar but he didn't mind. He loved his sister and would do anything for her. He practically ended up raising Skylar because their parents left so many times. She didn't mind the cold weather since she grew up in Alaska so she and River would spend hours outside. It didn't matter if they were snowboarding, running around, throwing snowballs etc. They loved it!

One day Skylar and River were going to Russia for a snowboarding competition. They got onto the plane and River tried to calm his younger sister as they took off.

She had a huge fear of heights. River had taught her how to stay calm while boarding but she still didn't like heights at all. He had told her to concentrate on a happy thought while at the top of the hill so that she wouldn't pay attention to how high up she was.

Unfortuntately, all good things have to end sometime. Eleven hours after the plane had taken off it started to experience turbulence. The pilot made an announcement saying that he had lost all control over the plane and that they would have to jump. When River and Skylar were ready to jump there was only one parachute left. River made Skylar use it even though she kept refusing to.

He strapped the parachute onto her then hugged her tightly. They were both in tears. Skylar still refused to jump not only because she wanted her brother to save himself but also because of her fear. He told her to close her eyes and think of a happy thought. Skylar did but she still couldn't jump so her brother gently pushed her out then sat down and did what he had told his sister to do.

When Skylar landed on a sandy surface she opened her eyes and looked around. She then took off her blue winter jacket and wool hat. It was so hot! The place that she had landed in had so many buildings and objects everywhere. She then decided to go ask somebody for help. She carried her jacket into a place called "Mini Mart"

There she saw a girl that looked around her age. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a pink bow in her hair, a baby blue skirt, a pink blouse, and light blue sandals. Skylar heard her over say to the lady running the store that she was on the same plane as herself. Skylar also saw a sign saying that she was in Florida. Skylar then walked over to the girl and...

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