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Skylar finished writing her message. That's when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around with a small shout. She wasn't sure what to do. Standing there was a teenage boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. River Frost. Behind him was a man with a brown beard, green eyes, and brown hair. Next to him was a woman with brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, and freckles. Skylar guessed that they were her parents.
She slowly tried to touch her brother's hand with fear that she would wake up. She didn't, instead she felt his hand. She then hugged him and didn't stop for a few minutes. She then hugged her parents.

"We're so proud of you, Sky." River said with a smile.

Her parents agreed.

"Huh? How? I failed you. I didn't survive. I didn't grow to be a great snowboarder." She pointed out.

"You did everything I told you. You jumped. You made a friend and saved her. You saved two stray dogs. And you may not have, but you tried. And...you taught someone else something I taught you at a young age. To face your fears." River replied then hugged Skylar.

She hugged back with a smile.

"Well...we have somewhere we wabt to show you." Mrs.Frost said.

"Where?" Skylar asked.

"Heaven." Mrs.Frost snapped and each of them were in a place.

It looked like Earth, but was...different. It was peaceful. The clouds and plants were perfect. No fights, no litter, no scary noises, no darkness except for in the shade, etc. It was everything you could wish for.

They then walked into a house which had anything you wanted. You name it, it was there.

"This is it." Her mother said. "This is home."

Skylar smiled. This was her home. She had her family. She was in heaven. Her friend wasn't sad. She was happy.

Skylar FrostWhere stories live. Discover now