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Skylar walked over to the girl. "You were on that plane too?" She asked.
"Yeah." She replied with a eyebrow raised and looked at Skylar like she was insane. "Why exactly are you wearing such long clothes in Florida?" "Oh, I was headed to Russia for a snowboarding tornament." Skylar replied with a nod then raised her eyebrow. "You dont reconize me?" The girl shook her head. "Im Skylar Frost. The snowboarder. The one who ones the huge skii and snowboarding hill and the sports stadiums. Riley nodded. "Sorry, im just not into those types of sports. I just play soccer. I dont watch them or play other sports." Skylar nodded. "Oh, okay. Whats your name?" She wondered. "Riley. Riley Baker." The girl replied with a smile of pride. Skylar nodded, "So, Riley, would you care to play a game of soccer?"

As the girls played they talked about themselves and learned everything there was to know about one another. Apparently Riley lived in Florida and was going to Russia for a funeral. Her family, which consisted of tons of people who were rich, passed away as well. At the end of the game Riley offered to let Skylar stay at her place for a while. Skylar smiled. "I will, thanks, Baker." She said. "Please dont call me that." Riley said as she crossed her arms and mad a pouting face but was just messing around. "Okay, sorry." Skylar said with a frown. "Im kidding! But really, please call me Riley." She said with a laugh. Skylar nodded and laughed as well. "Okay, okay."

Skylar FrostWhere stories live. Discover now