Dakota and Mazie

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When Skylar woke up in her room she sat up and looked at the alarm clock. It was ten O'Cloak AM. She ran a hand through her hair then got out of bed.

"Ow!" She said as she fell on the floor. She didnt know what was wrong but her leg hurt badly and so did her head.

Riley came running in. "Skylar! What happened?" She asked as she helped her friend up then into bed.

"I-I fell..." Skylar replied with a look of embarrassment.

"You should go see a doctor. You were one of the only ones who survived that plane, you could be hurt badly." Riley suggested with a look of worry for her friend.

"Yeah, I know. But still...I dont want to. Im fine."


Soon Riley got Skylar to go to the doctor. It turned out that she had a broken leg and a minor concussion. The doctors gave her a pain killer, a blue cast, and told her that she should stop snowboarding for a year because she would just get hurt worse if she didnt.

Skylar agreed but really didnt want to. She would become bad at her talent then not be able to carry on her family's legacy, right?

After they left the office, with crutches for Skylar, she asked Riley to leave her at the park for a little bit. Riley nodded then went to the mall. Skylar sat down on a bench then began to cry which she usually didnt do.

She opened her eyes when she felt something wet on her hand. She then smiled. What she felt was a adorable mixed breed dog licking her hand and a german shepard puppy looking up at her with symphany.

"Aww..." Skylar said with a huge grin on her face. She then began to pet both dogs. "Do you have homes?" She wondered as she checked for collars, which they didmt have. "Okay, you can live with me then...but you need names. How about...Dakota and Mazie?" Skylar said to both of them then called Riley to come pick her up and to bring two pet carriers.

Skylar FrostWhere stories live. Discover now