Back to Alaska

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Over the past few months Skylar and Riley became best friends. Sure, they were complete opposites but why should that matter? Both dogs became best friends as well. Dakota had a friendly, playful, loyal personality and Mazie had a shy, kind, happy personality. Before they knew it Skylar had her cast off.

"Well...are you going to stay or go back to Alaska?" Riley asked.

Skylar knew she would have to decide eventually but she didnt know how fast time would go. How would she choose? Go back to her house in Alaska with her dogs to where the skii and snowboarding hill was or stay with her best friend in Florida?

"Well...Im gonna go back home." Skylar replied as she put her arm out the window of the pink Ford which was Riley's. " can come with me if you want."

Riley nodded. "O-okay, I guess I will. Are you sure?" She replied with a smile.

"Yeah! I mean I have a HUGE house so I denfinently have room in it. AND we're both rich." Skylar replied with a laugh.


Riley got a private jet to take her, Skylar, and the dogs to Alaska. Skylar was wearing her snowboarding outfit without the glasses or snowboard of course. Riley was wearing the same but in pink. As for the dogs, Mazie had a blue jacket on and a blue collar. Dakota had the same but in red.

When they got off of the plane Riley shivered. "Its s-so c-cold." She said with her arms around herself.

"Nah, it's only Summer. It gets WAY colder in the Winter. Are you sure you're okay?"

Riley nodded.

A few of Skylar's managers took them to a cabin by truck. Once inside they sat by a fire with hot chocolate. The manager talked to Skylar about snowboarding again and asked her if she would continue.

"Of course!" Was her reply. She had to do it for her brother.

Riley, Skylar, and the dogs were then taken to her house. After Skylar showed her around they both unpacked. Riley then went and sat by the fire in the living room. Skylar did the same but was playing with Dakota. Mazie was laying on Riley's lap.

Thats when the phone rang. It was a manager saying that a trainer would begin training Skylar to snowboard again on Friday. (It was Tuesday)

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