Chapter 5

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Canary: This is as far as I go.

(Y/N) and Canary stand outside the zone looking upon the wilderness, the wind blowing through there hair.

Canary: Good luck out here gloomy don't die.

(Y/N): Uh huh.

(Y/N) began to walk away leaving Canary behind as she stared at his back.

Canary: Still the same aren't you?

No answer came only the wind, she sighed as she started walking back to the zone.

We then see (Y/N) walking along a grassy path seeing the abandoned vehicles, even some corpses here and there. He heard a loud caw, he looked up and saw a nevermore with some scars indicating it was old. He looked at the nevermore with some boredom, he didn't care about what the nevermore age was or how smart it is all he wanted to do was kill it.

The nevermore spotted (Y/N) as it swooped down and swiped at (Y/N) who jumped onto the nevermore's claws hanging onto them. The nevermore cawed as it tried to shake off (Y/N) he held on without a care in the world. The nevermore cawed in irritation.

(Y/N): Caw Caw toter Vogel.

(Y/N) then took out commandment as he then swung up and sliced the nevermore's neck clean off killing it. He then began to free fall as he approached the ground he closed his eyes taking a long inhale. Darkness then started to surround him as he opened his eyes standing on the ground.

(Y/N): How annoying.

(Y/N) then continues his walk leaving behind a fire in a massive crater. The abandoned dust store looking scarce like usual, some grimm was around not spotting him. His walk brought him to a forest some of it was destroyed but restoring itself, he couldn't careless if the grimm were around he just wanted to admire the forest it's scent of fresh air, the feeling of relief when he entered it made him feel relaxed. Though of course like all things in this world it can never last forever.

He heard a gunshot though it was loud causing some birds to fly away. He decided to walk away from the sound. It has nothing to do with him why should he take time off from his walk to check out the noise.

(Y/N): What the fuck...?

He looked over into the direction only seeing trees and bushes. After a few seconds a guy with heavy injuries ran out of the bushes as he then fell down on the ground.

He watches as the guy runs behind some debris panting and out of breath. (Y/N) then looks over to the bushes seeing a lot of survivors that look like scavengers and bandits. We call them scroungers.

Scrounger 1: Where the hell did that guy go?!

Scrounger 2: Damn it. I ain't trying to be away from the camp with amount of Grimm in the world.

(Y/N) sighed as he kept walking it wasn't his business why should he care? He kept walking until one of the scrounger's grabbed his shoulder.

Scrounger 1: Hey where the fuck do you think your going?

The other Scrounger looked at (Y/N) but once he saw his weapons he grabbed his partner in fear and pulled him back from (Y/N).

Scrounger 2: I'm so sorry for my friend disturbing you Mr. Phantom. Here I'll hit him for you.

Scrounger 2 then punched his partner in the face making the other one recoil his head back. He then glared at his partner.

Scrounger 1: What the fuck!? The hell was that for you fucking Faunus!?

Scrounger 2: He's the phantom he could kill us both if he wanted to right now! Look at his weapons...

The other Scrounger's eyes widened in fear as he looked back to (Y/N)'s face who looked at them as if they were a annoying bug buzzing in his ear.

Scrounger 1: I'm so sorry sir I promise it won't happen again!

(Y/N) didn't say anything he just walked away leaving the two to take a sigh of relief.

(Y/N) continued to walk along the path avoiding the Scroungers who were looking for the guy. He walked past the guy's hiding spot as the guy looked at him with a pleading look. (Y/N) walked right past him. It wasn't his business why should he care for some guy. All he wants is his payment.

(Y/N) continued to walk he realized he needed transportation. If he needed that he needed to visit the branwen tribe. Their leader owed him anyway. Now he just needs to remember how far away they are from here well more like where their last base is since they move a lot.

(Y/N): Last thing I knew they should be at Pelerine. Good thing it's not to far. It's way closer to go there then the gallimaufry zone.

With a goal set in motion he makes his way to Pelerine to meet the branwen tribe, as he then takes a sip from his trusty Vault 13 canteen. Which the canteen is filled with water.

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