Chapter 3 - The Girls of Blue Hawaii

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My body usually woke me up at around six since I had been getting up at that time since I arrived in Hawaii. Well, at least before I started the activity coordinator position. Back when I worked custodial for that short amount of time, I woke up at 5am to be at work by 5:30. There was a time while I was going around cleaning the suites that I seriously debated on applying to a different hotel, one that was more down the beach, one that was a mile the other way from my house. Well, I was glad that I stayed put. I wouldn't have met my favorite star.

Thoughts of two nights ago came back to my memory, and I smiled as I was brushing my blonde hair while I was getting ready for work. It was like I was living a dream, spending time with Elvis Presley as we talked of family and work in the back resort gardens... and he held me as I cried as we stood there on a beach that was soaking with enchanting moonlight.

What an experience, one I would never forget for the rest of my life.

Knocking on the bathroom door jutted me out of my thoughts. Jeremy hollered, "Will you stop hogging the bathroom, Lola? I need to get ready, too!"

I opened the door and planted a hand on my hip, over my green uniform dress for work. "Honestly, you should just go out and live in a shack on the beach."

He came into the bathroom, and since it was small, he shoved me as he did so. He took a comb and ran it through his blonde hair, the same shade as mine, and he liked doing it in the same style as Elvis, naturally. He was a fan of the guy, too.

"You know, you have enough money to live on your own," he said as I stayed at the mirror and started to apply my eyeliner. "I mean, I love ya and all, but you're twenty-five already. You should be married by now. Living with your parents isn't a good way to impress a man."

I nudged him in the side with my elbow. "Speak for yourself. You're twenty-two. You're hitting that spinster age now."

"It's different for guys. Guys can wait until thirty to get married and no one thinks anything of it. Women, on the other hand..."

"You better not finish that sentence," I warned. "Really, no matter how old or tall you get, you're still so obnoxious. I think you don't want to get married just so you can flirt with every girl that walks down the beach near that surfboard shack."

I went to applying mascara. He said as he was still running that comb through his hair, "Only the pretty ones. I just hope that Joan Blackman walks by or that they do a scene for that movie on that area of the beach. Man... she's smokin'." He stopped combing and faced me. "Hey, since you know Elvis and all now, maybe you could put in a good word for me with his costar?" His blue eyes lighted with excitement. "Ooo, better yet, set up a meeting with him and Joan. Meeting the both of them would be pretty swell."

I snickered and shook my head as I put my mascara away and got out my lipstick. "You're so hopeless, little brother."

He creased his brows. "Hey, I passed you up when I turned sixteen."

"That's not what I meant, and..." I applied my lipstick, then met his gaze. We both looked similar to each other. People sometimes mistook us for twins. "Yeah, I met Elvis and we had a pleasant talk the other night, but... I don't know if I'll see him again since I'm so busy with all these events going on at work, and he's busy with the movie, and Joan is, too... Who knows if I'll see either of them?"

Elvis said he wouldn't mind seeing me again. Was he just being nice, or did he actually feel something for me? It was most likely the first. He knew how to flatter his fans, especially the girls.

"But you work there," Jeremy argued, and I got back to the conversation. "Please. I wanna meet the both of them. Especially Joan." He leaned against the counter and sighed in a dreamy way. "She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And she's only a year older than me."

Pink Hawaii [Elvis]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora