Chapter 11 - I Can't Help Falling in Love with You

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The resort was all a chatter about another scene being filmed at the resort, and it was my job to make sure that nobody went into that vicinity after seven in the evening. The production crew of the film would help me out with that as well, and because I had to watch out for people coming close to the set, I would be able to see the scene being filming.

Elvis, that sneaky guy. I was told by one of my events team that they saw Elvis walk down the hallway to Mr. Roger's office and insist that I be in charge of making sure the scene wasn't disturbed, and to make things more convincing, the producer Hal Wallis was with him.

Well, Elvis did say he would make sure I would be able to be there to see the scene. Really, I was just curious about that song that had been swirling around in my mind for two weeks. Had it really been that long since I met Elvis? It felt like I had known him for months.

I straightened a stack of papers on my desk, put them on a clipboard, and headed out of my office. I had other events that needed my attention at the moment. At around five, I would start to help the film crew set up for the scene tonight. I was technically off work by that time, but I didn't care to stay longer to see another scene being filmed. As of now, two members of my family were able to witness a scene being filmed. Jeremy did that day he met Elvis and Joan.

And speaking of Joan... I snickered as I walked down the hallway, thinking back to last night when Jeremy came into the house, completely dreamy-eyed. He revealed to all of us that he had gone to the resort, found Joan, and again tried to start something. She would have none of it, so he left and went to sulk at the beach, but then a few minutes later, Joan comes running to him. I knew she wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. Jeremy said that Elvis gave her a push in the right direction.

Well, my younger brother who constantly was a thorn in my side, yet I loved him to death, was going steady with a beautiful starlet. And I couldn't be happier, for him... and for me. Joan being involved with Jeremy meant that she was completely passed Elvis. She was off the list of women he was with. What about the others, Anita Wood and the Germany girl Priscilla?

"Maybe I can ask him tonight..." I muttered as I came into the entrance lobby of the resort, on my way outside to the breakfast event out in the seating area on the northern side of the building in an area that was lush with Hawaiian flora. "Or... maybe that would be too pushy. Maybe he'll say something if something happened. The guy's nuts about me."

That made me grin. Elvis Presley felt that way me. How lucky was I?!

Someone bombarded me in a hug suddenly, and I gasped at the surprise. The man came out of the hold, and my eyes widened. "Eddie? What are you doing here?"

My eighteen-year-old brother put his hands on his hips, over his tan slacks, and he stood tall and confident. "I'm gonna do what Jeremy did—get the girl. It's about time I get out of my shell, anyway. Why not? Darlene is crazy about me."

I squealed with glee and embraced him. "Oh my goodness, that's wonderful, Eddie!" I let him go. "I think those girls are still in their room right now. It's still early, so I don't think they've left yet. Darlene is staying in room 125."

"Thanks, sis." He blew air out of his mouth. "Man... I can't believe I'm doing this. This isn't like me at all."

"Well, when you like someone, go for it."

"Speak for yourself. It's about time you and Elvis started something."

"We haven't started anything yet," I retorted. "I'm waiting for him to make a decision about all the girls in his life. It's a bit vain, but I'm confident that he'll do that soon. He seemed serious about the whole ordeal."

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