Chapter 12 - The Start of the Battle for Elvis

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Monday arrived, and word had gotten out that Anita Wood would be coming to Hawaii to film a TV commercial. It had been in the papers for a couple days, and it was in today's paper. It even said what hotel she was staying at, and... of course... it was the Coco Palms. And guess who was in charge of planning her stay at the resort? Lola.

"Maybe it's better since you want to get this situation settled," said Jerry as I lay on my bed at around 7am, and he was standing near me. My gaze was up at the ceiling. "The two women would meet, and..."

"All hell would break loose," I said and sat up. "You know how she reacted when she found out about Priscilla. She called me and demanded to know what was goin' on. She was fumin'. Imagine how she's gonna be about this. She's gonna erupt like one of those Hawaiian volcanoes."

"But wasn't it your plan to just tell her everything?"

"Yeah, but that was before I knew that Lola would be in charge of her stay," I quipped.

"You should've known that already since it's her job."

"I didn't think about it at the moment. Now, let's shut up about it." I checked my watch. "The Colonel's gonna knock on the door in a few minutes. Anita's gonna show up around nine since her flight got delayed." Knocking sounded on the door. "Told ya he'd be here." I went to answer the door and let in my manager. "Mornin', Colonel."

"Good morning, gentlemen. So, I think I should say this now... Elvis, I really don't like how distracted you've been. And now with Miss Wood coming, you will be more distracted than usual. I need you to be focused on the film."

"I am focused, Colonel," I droned in slight irritation. "And cut me a break, huh? It's Hawaii. The island of love."

"I think you're thinking of the phrase about Paris, but that works, too," Jerry put in, but the Colonel ignored it, as well as what I just said.

"The film is your priority at the moment, not frolicking with a pretty young lady. You really have to keep your head about you, Elvis, or all this will turn out sour."

"The film's not gonna be affected by my love life," I argued.

"Do I need to mention how you pulled Miss Waci off the set and out of sight and no one could find you for a good seven minutes? You were needed on the set, and you were hiding with her."

That instantly made me recall that kiss. I hadn't kissed a girl like that for some time. My whole face started to heat just thinking about it, and I couldn't help but grin. I snapped out of it when the Colonel clapped loudly once in front of my face.

"See what I mean?" he asked. "You need to focus. It isn't going to help matters since Miss Wood arrived."

"I promise I'll try and focus, Colonel, I..." I stopped. "Hold on. What'd you say? You said arrived. Like, past tense."

"Yes. That is because Miss Wood is currently in the lobby as we speak. I heard an employee mention it as I was on my way to your room minutes ago."

My heart started racing away. "What?! I thought her flight was delayed! You should've said somethin' right away, Colonel!"

I bolted out the door, and both men were calling after me, but I went on walking down the hallway briskly. When I came into the lobby, I saw her standing there, wearing a pretty pink dress. And... she was talking to Lola. Of all people! Anita excused herself from Lola for a moment as she greeted a few people in the lobby, and that was when Lola looked over at me.

"Elvis!" she gasped, her eyes wide. Anita immediately looked over and squealed happily. She ran to me and bombarded me with a hug, nearly knocking me over. This caught the attention of those people, and they started taking pictures of us, but neither of us were paying attention to them. I glanced over at Lola who was pursing her lips, and I could see the hurt in her blue eyes. Seeing Anita holding me had to be difficult for her to see.

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