Chapter 2

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Sophie stuck by Adrien's side the entire rest of the day, eager to learn more about him.

"So you're Adrien Agreste, right?" she asked excitedly, like she'd had one too many Starbucks drinks.

"Er... yeah," he said. "And you said you're Sophie Foster?"

Sophie blinked, then nodded. "Yes, my name is Sophie Foster."

"You don't need to emphasize last names."

"I'm doing that?"

"You've said Agreste and Foster too heavily for it to be normal."

Sophie pressed her lips into a line. "I just like doing that. Nothing major."

She reached up and yanked out an eyelash.

"Did you just..." Adrien furrowed his brow.

Sophie turned to him. "Sorry, nervous habit. I tug out loose eyelashes. Do you have a nervous habit?"

"Yeah," he said, squeezing his pendant.

Her eyes fell to the crystal. "I swear I've seen that before."


Sophie's eyes suddenly widened, like she'd said something she wasn't supposed to. "Sorry, gotta run!"

She bolted, leaving Adrien slightly confused.

She kept staring at the necklace. Which was bothering him.

Plus the tunic and leggings combo was still throwing him off. The tunic was a deep teal, the leggings dark gray, and she wore a single faceted crystal pendant and a choker with a clear crystal inside, the three cords braided together. Her crystal accessories seemed less fancy than his own pendant, but they still radiated wonder, magic.

She still said his necklace was better than hers. But he swore he heard her mention how his held more power than hers did. Possibly, she'd added, muttering about how she wasn't exactly sure but it was tipping her off.

Sophie's mutterings were always the weirdest part. Words that didn't even exist would come from her mouth, words Adrien's mind kept fixating on, like... like he was supposed to know what they meant. But repeated trips to the dictionary gave him no help on that.

Must be part of my curse, he thought. Understanding words you don't know the meaning of. Words that are simply made up. Yeah, Sophie likes to make up words.

But he kept listening. The way she spoke seemed... unnatural, like she'd learned French hastily. Before Adrien had assumed she'd grown up in France, but it was clear she'd come from another country.

Which country she'd come from was a total mystery.

Sophie was still a nice person to be around, at least, and was unimaginably smart. She figured out the answer to a math problem before most kids had even finished writing and processing everything they'd just written down. And Adrien thought he naturally processed things faster than a lot of people. Sophie had definitely trumped him on that part.

School seemed to come so naturally for Sophie. She blurted out answers faster than Adrien could formulate them, even if he came up with the same conclusions as her. It was like her mind processed things at the speed of light.

Except history. Sophie was always confused in history classes, like she had no idea what anything was. Adrien had been really confused when she admitted she had never heard of the French Revolution.

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