Chapter 20

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Twelve years before...

Marinette could see strange figures heading to the house when her father covered her window.

"It's not safe right now," he said softly.

"Papa?" she cocked her head to the side, her five-year-old mind not fully understanding the dangers.

"Marinette, you have to listen to us right now," her mother said, caressing her daughter's cheek. "Stay in here. Okay? Don't come out until it's safe."

"What's happening?"

"Something we feared would happen. But it'll be okay. We won't let anything happen to you."

Little Marinette was too confused to understand, so she settled for tugging on her pigtails. Her parents often said she was practically married to the style.

They heard a small rumble.

"Marinette, whatever happens, just know that we always love you," her mother said. She held Marinette tightly in her arms.

"Mama, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing's wrong, you just need to trust that everything will work out," her father reassured. "Just promise that if something happens, you'll keep the fight going. You'll keep making sure Aelesia doesn't plunge into chaos and war over things it can't understand."

Marinette wasn't sure what either of them meant, but she still nodded.

"That's our girl," he smiled. "I love you, Mari."

He gently kissed her forehead before her parents disappeared from her room.

Marinette could hear shouting, begging, yelling, but she forced herself to stay put. Her parents had closed up her windows, locked the door.

Obviously, this was a serious matter and they were worried about her safety.

But when she began to hear the shrieks of her mom, she couldn't wait anymore. She may have only been in her fifth but she wanted to help. Quickly unlocking the door, she rushed downstairs and screamed.

Two people were watching as dark shadows and bright flames encircled her parents. Two cloaked figures were watching it happen, and noticed the girl before she could hide.

"Ah, there she is!" the man grinned, his thick dark hair hanging over his eyes. "Tell me, Sabine, is this really the little girl you're willing to sacrifice everything for? Even your life?"

Marinette tried to run but he grabbed her arm to stop her. The heat from his hands hurt her and she began to cry from the pain.

"Stop, let her go!" her mother begged. "She's innocent!"

"Innocent?" the woman thundered. "She's holding powers she's not ready to understand yet. She's dangerous. She's powerful. And we want her."

"You'll never have her!" her father lashed. "Not while we're alive."

"Well, if you're going to play that card," the woman smirked, wiggling her fingers, and the dark shadows seeped into her parents, who screamed in agony as the flames only got stronger, flooding over them.

"No!" Marinette cried. "Mama, Papa!"

But it was too late. She couldn't see them anymore and basic logic told the five-year-old the truth.

"Now, Marinette, you have to understand this," the woman said, leaning down. "You must have strange abilities that you don't quite understand, yes?"

Marinette didn't listen, too horrified at what she'd just witnessed. "Are they..."

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