Chapter 15

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"So... what now?" Adrien asked himself, staring at the moon. "What do I do now that I know I love her?"

He was too aware of the slipping time, knowing he was expected to return to Everglen even if his heart told him it wasn't the way to go. He wanted to stay with Ladybug so badly, but his logic told him that it was Everglen, Everglen would be his final destination.

Just forget her, his logic scolded. You'll go back to Everglen, marry Biana. Just forget the fugitive ever existed.

But Adrien couldn't. He couldn't, he couldn't, he couldn't. He'd never been in love with someone so hard before (albeit he hadn't really fallen in love ever). He wanted to spend every second with her, kiss her, fill up the hole in his heart that she filled naturally when she was by his side. He didn't know if she loved him back, but he knew that he had never felt so cared for, so... so... alive. He'd never experienced this feeling with any other girl he'd interacted with, not even Sophie, who was the first girl to really show him any kindness (besides Anaya). And he wanted to keep this feeling for the rest of his life.

If only he could figure out if she loved him back.

"Are we gonna spend another night like we've been?"

Adrien turned and saw Ladybug lying on her stomach, her head resting on her hand.

"If you're up for it," he shrugged. Technically, they weren't in a relationship, so he wasn't going to do things if she wasn't ready.

But she smiled and went right next to him, allowing him to hold her close as they stared up at the stars.

"Does Earth ever try to name the stars?" she asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "Back in ancient Greece they would name groups of stars. Now in schools out there you have to learn about the constellations."

"What were some of the names?"

Adrien squinted until he found a familiar pattern. "Well, those stars form Orion. He was said to be a great hunter, I think."

Ladybug cocked her head to the side. "It doesn't look like a man."

"It really doesn't. But that's how they saw it."

"What about that cluster next to it?"

"I believe that's Taurus. One of the zodiacs."


"Some lore they had on Earth. They believed in horoscopes and predictions that depended on which constellation was chosen on what set of days. I'm pretty sure someone said mine was supposed to be Aquarius or something like that."

"That sounds complicated."

"It really was. Especially with moon signs and sun signs and... it's all weird, trust me."

"I bet," she giggled a little, scooting even closer. "Do you have a favorite one?"

"I do, actually," he grinned. "Cygnet. It looked like a swan."

"Cygnet? I think there's some around here."

"You mean swans?"

"No, they're cygnets," she stood up, offering her hand. "Yes, I think they're close by. Come on, I can show you them."

Adrien accepted her hand and she led him through a path lined with densely packed dress until they reached a large lake, filled with graceful white birds floating on the surface.

"They're cygnets," she explained.

"Oh, you call them cygnets," he realized. "We call them swans out on Earth. But this must be where the Greeks got the name."

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