Chapter 7

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Adrien opened his eyes to golden sunlight streaming through white silken curtains. He slowly sat up to see the giant bed he'd been sleeping in.

What am I doing in this place? He wondered. And where's Mom? Where's Anaya?

The memories flooded in like a tidal wave.

He wasn't in Paris anymore. He was in Aelesia, another world, and in the palace of the capital city, Everglen. Sophie Foster was actually Sophie Reuwen, a lady on the Vacker Court. And Keefe Sencen had a family that was known for scheming to get to the top.

Prentice's words from last night were still confusing him. Like he'd been lost in memory, knew something Adrien didn't. And Keefe's mentions of Agrestes never possessing powers.

There was clearly something wrong with him.

He stared at the sunrise, watching the glimmering light rise above the horizon.

How quickly things had changed in his life over the course of two days.

A knock sounded on the door.

"It's me," a familiar voice said. "Biana."

"Oh, right," Adrien said, sliding out of bed and opening the door.

"You woke up early," Biana said. "Is that a normal habit of yours?"

"I guess I'm still getting used to waking up in another world."


Silence filled the air for a while.

"Well, since it's such a nice day out," Biana said, speaking slowly. "I was wondering if you'd want to take a tour of Everglen with me. You know, since you technically live here now. We could even try and find your house."

"Wait, really?" Adrien's face lit up. "Let's go!"

He opted for less showy clothes this time. A white peasant sleeved shirt underneath a simple black jerkin, very dark grey pants, and soft black boots.

"You really like wearing dark colors," Biana noticed as they went down the hall. "Even your outfit last night was muted colors."

"Really?" Adrien had been so used to wearing greys and blacks and whites that he didn't even realize he'd even picked dark shades for colorful things.

"Yeah," Biana said, sharply contrasting Adrien, and not just from her dark hair and bright blue eyes. She wasn't in a dress this time, but her aqua tunic was still sparkly and frilly and demanded attention. She'd let her hair down into a tight braid, decorated in pearl clips. Biana definitely looked like the princess that always had people's eyes on.

It just seemed a little strange to see a royal dressed in anything other than regal attire.

"It's for practicality," Biana shrugged, and Adrien realized he'd spoken his thoughts out loud. "Plus, I just like getting outside. Fitz prefers to spend time in the palace, learning from books and tutors. I like to get the real sense of what's going on in Aelesia."

"And Fitz is being crowned..."

"About a year and a half at this point."

"Got it," Adrien did his best to memorize the information.

"I'm having to spend less and less time on my own, however," Biana sighed. "I just celebrated my seventeenth, meaning I'm getting closer to officially appearing on public outings permanently."

"Sounds like you have a lot on your plate."

"Welcome to the Vacker Court. Almost everyone has something they need to do, whether it be education or completing assignments or something like that."

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