Our Little Group

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Our group became bigger in the last few years and I'm really happy for that, but some members became... distant.

Craig, Tweek and Butters joined.
Stan and Butters are dating (both bi), which basically made them part of the school's lgbt group, which basically made them best friends with Tweek and Craig.

After some discussion in the group chat, we decided to meet up at Casa Bonita on Sunday.

Cartman couldn't come which was a bit odd, last time I checked Casa Bonita was his favorite place in the world?

I guess he is more careful, he has dropped most of his weight, started exercising and went to a therapist in the last few years. He is now a bit less of an asshole, he's actually kind of sweet.

Sunday came, we all got to Casa Bonita but I wasn't really hungry so we just chatted.
"So..."  (Tweek started speaking)
"Kyle are you ok?"
Uh what do you mean?
"Uh the whole town knows about you're family situation."
Oh great. Exactly what I need. Everybody's pettiness.
"We just wanted to let you know we're here for you."
"I mean, I'm sure Cartman's here for you too he's just not literally here."
Thanks guys. You're the best.

We continued chatting for a while, than Kenny had to drive his sister to a dancing competition.
Tweek had to go to finish homework and Craig went with him.

"Aren't they the sweetest?" Butters said
"Which reminds me! How's your love life Kyle?"
Uh... dead?
"Very funny, what Kyle means is I think I like someone but I'm not sure and they probably hate me."  Stan replied.
Thank you Stan for this absolutely necessary information.

"Kyle, are you okay?"
I nodded quietly.
"Butters, let me translate:
The situation at home is terrible, I'm shattered, but I'm sure it will pass soon."
That's one way of putting it.

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