Until You Make It To The End

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I went to the bus station.

"What happened to the contacts?" (Stan)
"Hello, didn't feel like wearing 'em."
"Did he..?"
"Did you react well?"
"DUDE!" (Kenny)
"Aren't you like..."
"Imagine we'd react like that when you came out."
"Very." (Butters)
"So, does that make me a piece of shit?"
"That's harsh."
"Like what you did to Cartmen?"
"Firstly, don't yell at my boyfriend."
"Secondly, we all know it's terrible since he literally had to leave school early."
Oh shit.
"And how do you know?"
"We saw him while skipping."
"Didn't even wave."

"He'll be fine."
"He won't."
"I would tell you why, I really would but the bus is here sooo..."

Rest of school day was a blur.
Did I really hurt him that badly?

The day was really boring. He didn't show up.
Not that it has anything to do with my day-
Anyway, I really gotta apologize.

I knocked on the wooden door.
"Are you Kyle Broflovski from across the street?"
"You bet!"
"Is Eric home?"
"Yeah, he's just up in he's room!"
"Tell him he needs to come down to eat lunch when you're done?"
"Why don't you tell him yourself?"
"Oh. Has been skipping meals for a while now."
"I guess if he won't listen to me he will listen to his friend?"
"I will let him know."
"Sorry about your family situation."
"It's okay."

I guess it won't be hard to locate his room.
Just look for the room with heavy metal.
Got it.

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