The Affair

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Olivia opened the door and saw Fin and Carisi.
"Hey guys! Glad you could make it," Olivia said.
"Wouldn't miss this Liv," Fin said.
Then Carisi saw Barba standing with Noah.
"Barba you're out of the hospital! How's the injury? How bad does it hurt?"
"Carisi! Shut up," said Fin.
"What? I'm just curious," he replied.
"I'm doing well Carisi," Barba said wryly and continued,
"So, is Nick coming?"
"He should be here any minute with Amanda," Olivia responded.
Moments later Olivia was opening the door allowing Nick and Amanda to enter. Both Nick and Amanda had presents for the new mother and Olivia graciously accepted them. Walking in the kitchen, Nick followed. As Olivia took in Nick's decision of moving to California she noted that Barba turned around curious and was now looking at her. Nick noticed too.
"So he's been doing alright," Nick stated.
"Yeah, thankfully, I just glad he's been able to heal so quickly," Olivia replied.
"Good, he may be an arrogant ass, but he's a good man Liv," Nick said and walked away.
Olivia returned to the living room, she brought a bottle of white wine and glasses, handing each guest a glass she poured in the wine.
"To family," Olivia said raising her glass.
"To family," everyone spoke and clinked each other's glasses.
The squad was getting ready to leave Olivia's apartment and gathered their belongings. They proceeded to say their goodbyes. Nick and Amanda were the first to leave and Fin left fifteen minutes after them. Barba however, stayed to help clean up the mess and began to speak.
"So Benson how much am I being paid?"
"Barba be thankful I haven't thrown you out already," Olivia replied sarcastically.
"Liv you are you saying I'm a bore?"
"No, what I'm saying Rafael Barba is that you are far from that, and quite an annoyance," she responded laughing.
"My ego is shattered," Barba said placing his hand on his chest and gave a pained look.
"Oh really! I suppose you may want to start putting it back together since you're returning to work next week," Olivia suggested and continued to laugh.
"Thanks for the advice."
The two continued to tidy things up and when they finished Noah had managed his way to Barba dragging along his present that Rafael got him.
"Raf," Noah grunted swinging the toy around.
Barba turned and asked,
"Do you want to play?"
The little boy clapped and quickly replied,
Barba walked over to Noah's toys and began to play on the floor with him. Olivia came over about a half hour later.
"Rafael do you mind if I take a quick shower?"
"Um, yeah, we should be fine," he responded slightly nervous.
"You'll be fine, holler if you need me," Olivia said as she walked towards the bathroom.
"Well I guess it's you and me Noah," Barba said to the toddler.
The two boys continued to play and Noah began to doze off. Not too certain what to do, Rafael picks the sleepy child up and begins to gently shake him up and down to soothe the boy. Noah soon falls asleep and Rafael lays on the couch, placing Noah's sleeping form on his chest.
Olivia walks out of the back and is curious to where all the noise she previously heard went. As she looked around she heard a snore come from the couch. Walking over to face the front of the couch she saw that Barba and Noah were fast asleep on the couch. Noah's tiny form rising and falling as Barba's chest did. Noah snuggled into the warmth of Rafael's body and Barba wrapped his hand around her son. Olivia quickly grabbed her phone and took a picture. Her camera flashed and Barba began to stir.
"Benson you better not have," Barba said warningly.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Olivia said slyly.
"Just don't show the rest of the squad. They'll be on my ass," he sighed and continued,
"I better get going I have an appointment tomorrow morning. "
"Rafael, how have you been? You scared the crap out of me that day," Olivia said seriously.
"I'm getting better, it hurts a bit, and is annoying since I have to change the bandage twice a day."
" Well let me know if you need anything. Rafael, I'm serious, if you need something let me know."
"Liv, you know that wasn't your fault."
"Wasn't it? I should have listened to you," Olivia replied.
"Well I was wrong, I wasn't thinking objectively, I just wanted you and Noah to be safe," he responded.
"For that, I'm eternally grateful, I wouldn't be here without you."
Olivia walked over to him and gave him a light hug and Barba lightly draped his hands over her and smiled.
"Liv, I was happy to do it because you deserve it."

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