The Start of Something New

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Both Olivia and Rafael sat at the counter in his house, having a few drinks after the case. The past year has gone by surprisingly well. Tomorrow would be the ceremony for Olivia's lieutenants exam. In the past two months the couple have disclosed their relationship to the squad, who were not as surprised as Olivia and Rafael would have guessed. Olivia looked over at him, he was relaxed, he changed out of his suit and into a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt. Olivia thought back to how many nights they spent, just relaxing after a long case.

"Well, I better get going, I have an early morning," Olivia said.

"That you do. I have a pre trial tomorrow but I promise I'll be there," Rafael said.

"It's fine if you can't make it Rafael."

"No, I'll be there. Liv I want to be there, I want to be there for you."

Olivia leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips before walking out the door.

"Give Noah a kiss for me," Rafael shouted as she walked out the door.

Shortly after Rafael went to bed as well as Olivia after she tucked Noah back in bed.


The next day Olivia stood on the stage about to walk across to receive her diploma. She looked in the seats trying to spot Rafael, just as her name was about to be announced she saw Rafael running up to the door and quietly taking a seat next to Fin.

"Hey pretty boy just showed up, 'bout time man," Fin said.

"Yeah, court took longer than I had anticipated," Rafael replied.

They stopped talking when they heard the announcer say Olivia's name, the entire squad stood up and clapped. As Olivia approached him after the ceremony she greeted Rafael with a kiss.

"I have to admit, you guys are a great pair," Amanda spoke after they broke apart.

"Thanks," they both said in unison.

"Alright enough with this romance crap, let's go get wasted," Fin shouted.

"Fin, we have lives unlike you, hangovers aren't in that plan," Rafael joked.

"Hey watch it pretty boy," Fin replied.

"Boys, boys simmer down, let's go celebrate," Olivia said.

The squad went to a decent bar located a few blocks away from the precinct that wasn't too crowded so they could have a good time. They all say at the counter and ordered they're drinks when Rafael stood up with his scotch in his hand and raised his glass to give a toast,

"Here's to Lieutenant Benson, to many more solved cases for the special victims unit, and to more ass kicking, under you're command."

"Cheers," Fin said tapping his glass with Amanda.

"Thank you guys, I wouldn't be here without you all," Olivia said.

Later in the evening Olivia noticed that Rafael was still nursing his second scotch, while everyone else was pretty much drunk.

"Hey pretty boy, since when do you cut yourself off?" Fin asked.

"Yeah, well I'm really starting to hate hangovers," Rafael laughed.

When everyone was ready to leave, Rafael walked up to Olivia and told her he would get a cab and walk her up to her apartment. When they arrived at her apartment complex Rafael, helped her walk up to her apartment. As they were walking in the lobby she began to fall asleep, Olivia slipped doe his grasped and almost fell on the floor. Rafael grabbed Olivia before she fell and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the apartment. Just as he was about to set her down she woke up and looked up at him and spoke,

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