The Begingings

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She placed a light kiss on his lips and he slid his hands up under her shirt and grasped her breasts. Olivia moaned his name and pulled his arm guiding him to her bedroom. Rafael resumed kissing her and she attempted to fuss with the buttons on his shirt. Finally unbuttoning his shirt she yanked his shirt off, pulling away from their kiss minimally. She ran her hands up and down his chest as he unzipped her dress, as it slid down her curves she stepped out of it as it pooled beneath her; At the same time throwing off her heels. She stood in front of him just in her white bra and panties while he stood shirtless with his pants still on his hips. Olivia slid her hand down his toned abdomen and unhooked his belt and button. They stood for a minute taking in each other's appearance. Olivia leaned forward to pull Rafael back into a kiss and he kissed her passionately, he let his hands cup her face and slowly made their way down to cup her ass, Rafael gave her a playful squeeze and lifted her up and set her on the bed. He framed her face once again before slowly making love to her.


She awoke feeling a warm body next to hers as she turned to face the man next to her she smiled remembering the evening before. When she finally faced him his face was relaxed as he slept moments before he began to stir. His green eyes fluttered open and met with her chocolate brown ones and she smiled.

"Morning counselor," Olivia spoke.

"Good morning Sergeant Benson."

Olivia groaned as she climbed out of bed, knowing she would have to get Noah from Nick's house.

"As much as I would love to stay here, I have to get Noah from Nick's," Olivia said.

"I understand," he said sliding out of bed and pulling on his pants from the night before.

"Tell Amaro I said hi," he joked.

"I'm sure he'll love that," Olivia replied laughing.

Olivia walked over to her closet and grabbed some clothes to get dressed and then she walked back to her bedroom and Rafael followed into the kitchen.

"What time do you have to be at Amaro's," Rafael asked.

"In about an hour," she replied.

"Let me take you to a café so we can grab breakfast and some coffee."

Olivia looked at him and nodded and they grabbed their belongings and walked out the door.

They drove to a small café just a few blocks from Olivia's apartment and sat outside since the weather was decent. They each ordered they're coffees and a light breakfast since Olivia had to get Noah soon. After they're meal Olivia thanked Rafael for the treat and dropped him off at his small condo.

"Barba you've been holding out on me, this place is gorgeous," Olivia said in amaze.

"I wouldn't say I was holding out on my you Benson, you just never asked," he replied in his smart-ass tone.

"Well you never offered," Olivia said in the same tone and crossed her arms.

"Tell you what, after you spend some time with Noah why don't you and Noah stop by."

"Are you trying to suck up?"


"Well you're doing a good job because it's working," Olivia said laughing.

"See you around eight then," Barba concluded.


Olivia arrived to Nick's house a few minutes late, which Nock thought was unusual.

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