The Discussion

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Olivia arrived at the precinct about a week later and the squad was hugging Nick. She assumed that Nick told the rest of the squad about his departure. Surprisingly moments after her own arrival, Rafael Barba came strolling in dressed in his flashy suit and suspenders.

"Amaro," Barba said.

"Barba," Nick said in his professional tone.

"Rumor has it that you're heading off to California," Barba replied.

"Well that's true."

"I wish you luck, you're a good detective."

"Barba, can I talk to you a moment?"

"Sure," Barba said semi confused.

They walked toward the elevator.

"How's your recovery?" Nick asked.

"So far, well."

"Barba, you and I don't really agree on many things," Nick started, "but, you and I can agree on one thing, Olivia's safety.. and happiness, Barba promise me one thing, make sure she has that."

" I will, I owe her that. I wish the best for you Amaro. Good luck," Barba replied.

Rafael walked back into the squad room and Olivia looked at him intrigued and curious, he just let his eyes gleam, furthering her curiosity. Olivia walked over towards him and asked him if she could walk him out. He agreed, and they turned around and walked.

"How are you Councilor?"

"Getting better Sargent," Barba replied.

"Good, I'm glad you're back at work, the temporary A.D.A is very annoying and is getting on our nerves," Olivia joked.

Barba stopped and began to chuckle at her statement.

"Nice to know I'm not the only one who pushes people's buttons around here," Barba joked.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you could swing by my place after work. Catch up on the case and Noah wants to see his uncle Raf," Olivia said and smiled

"How could I say no," Barba said laughing.

As they approached the elevator Barba said goodbye to her and went to his office.


When Olivia arrived home Noah was waiting excitingly for his mother, as she walked in Noah came running towards her and latched onto her ankles.

"Hey baby boy, guess who's coming over?" Noah looked up not sure how to respond.

"Uncle Raf is coming," Olivia said happily, and her son seemed even more happy then she did.

"Raf Raf," Noah said clapping his hands.

Then Olivia heard a knock on the door, Barba was here. Olivia greeted him as he entered her apartment. Noah came running towards him and Barba leaned down and caught him as he ran towards him and lifted him up.

"Hey Noah," Barba said cheerfully.

"Raf Raf," the little boy said.

Barba placed Noah back on the ground and Noah ran towards his toy box.

"I see you finally put that thing to use," Barba joked.

"Yeah, it's seems that being a decoration wasn't its only purpose," Olivia laughed.

Noah came back towards Barba carrying his stuffed animal that he got him.

"It's his favorite toy lately," Olivia said to him.

"Glad he likes it," Badba simply responded and turned to look if she had on her gift, which she did. Olivia and Barba walked over and sat on the couch. Olivia turned to him and began to speak,

"So Rafael, let's get started."

Olivia and Barba talked about the need to know facts on the case for about two hours and then Barba decided to order some take out.

When their food arrived, Olivia placed Noah in his high chair and gave him some food. Olivia then got a glass of scotch for Barba and some wine for herself. She entered the living room and handed Barba his drink then sat down again.

"Thank you," Barba said as he grabbed the glass.

"Noah seems hungry," Barba said about twenty minutes later and laughed.

"He's been a bottomless pit lately," Olivia joked while looking at her son, who began to fuss for more food. Olivia began to get up, Barba gently grasped her forearm,

"I'll get it, finish your meal."

"Thank you," Olivia said looking up at him smiling.

Barba made his way to the little boy, who began to smiling upon someone finally paying attention to his wishes. Barba placed small pieces of food on Noah's tray and refilled his juice cup. Noah excitingly grasped his cup, which then slipped out of his tiny hands. The cup flew forwards towards Barba and spilled on his white dress shirt and T-shirt.

"Oh my god," Olivia said running into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry,"Olivia said.

"No, it's okay he didn't mean too," Barba replied and saw Noah looking at him apologetically.

"It's okay Noah," Barba said to the little boy.

"Raf," Noah spoke.

"Here let me wash your shirt, I think I have an old T-shirt in the back you can wear," Olivia said walking towards her room. Barba began to unbutton his dress shirt and finally got it off when Olivia came back. She took his stained dress shirt as he began to pull off his under shirt and she noticed how toned he was. Then she saw the only mark on his entire chest from where the bullet entered when he was shot. She immediately turned away, he looked at her face and knew the cause of her sudden change of expression.

"Liv, I'm fine, it wasn't your fault," Barba said trying to reassure her.

"He was going to shoot me not you, I should have gotten hit not you," Olivia said guiltily. She finally understood how he must have felt during the Lewis fiasco.

"Don't say that. Noah needs you, he needs his mother, and if that means running out into the line of fire to make sure it happens that's what I'll do. I would do it again to make sure you were safe."

He then put the shirt on that Olivia gave him and she walked up to him and engulfed him into a hug and rested her head on his chest.

"I know you would," Olivia said looking up at his face.

" You worked too hard to make sure Noah stayed in your custody, you didn't need Johnny D to screw that up," he said into her ear.

"No, we worked hard," Olivia said into his ear.

"You were one of the few people I can trust and rely on in difficult situations," Olivia continued, "The more we find out and learn from each other my feeling of security only grows, and to be honest, it scares me."

"Why's that?" Barba asked partly confused.

"Because of this," Olivia said and brought her face up to his pressing a light kiss on his lips, and he quickly responded back.

"Uncle Raf," Noah squealed, which caused them to pull apart and they turn towards the little boy.

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