Chapter 1

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"The world is a dark and scary place." Grace told her mom. Grace was going through many struggles right now. Only a couple things made Grace happy such as: Her best friend Alexa, her other friends: Chloe, Lily, Bethany, Jasmine, Haiden, and Anna. Grace was the happiest with her Alexa. They always went shopping after school on Fridays and went to Starbucks on Monday-to make Mondays better. She couldn't imagine a world without her. Grace's other really close friends were: Chloe and Lily. They did a lot together. Grace's other good friends were: Bethany, Jasmine, Haiden, and Anna.

One normal day at school, Alexa came up and told Grace that she just broke up with her boyfriend, Jacob. Grace felt really bad for Alexa so she went up to him and talked him off. After that it was time for lunch. The whole group of 8 girls pushed the two tables together and sat in this specific order (starting from the side facing the lunch line): Chloe, Grace, Alexa, Lily, Bethany, Jasmine, Haiden, and Anna. 10 minutes into lunch Jacob pulled Grace aside for some random reason. He whispered, "I dumped Alexa for you. I still have feelings for you." Grace stared at him with a blank face. Grace whispered, "Well I am truly sorry. Do you still have my number; it would be easier to discuss this over the phone?" Jacob shrugged, "I'll check, hold on let me see." He blindly unlocked his phone and checked his contacts so Alexa couldn't see them. He replied, "Yeah, I think so. Is it: (327)531-1365?" Grace nodded and rushed to her seat. Alexa wondered, "What did that freak want, I bet he wanted for you to tell me that I'm a player?" I replied anxiously, "No, he wanted to get back together with you, but I just told him you moved on." She nodded.

It was a Friday so Alexa and Grace immediately left as the bell rang and dashed to Grace's BMW. Grace turned her phone off just incase she got any calls from Jacob. When they got to the mall Alexa was complaining on how tired she was. Grace decided it would be best to go home. So, she dropped her off at her house and she headed home. About 20 minutes after she got home she received a call with no caller ID, "Hello, who is this?" The caller replied, "This is Jacob Whitehead. May I ask who is on the other line?" Grace chuckled, "This is Grace Smith." The voice responded, "I'll see you at 8'o clock, sharp." Before Grace could respond; the caller hung up.

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