Chapter 2

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Grace was confused; so she called the number back, voicemail. It was 7:30 so she decided to throw on a blouse and jean shorts. Right at 8 a limo pulled up in front of her house and the driver stepped out of the car and opened the door and Jacob came out with a sign that said: "Will you go out with me Grace?" Grace screamed and ran outside into Jacob's arms. He brought her into the limo; they were going to the beach for a fancy dinner.

When they got her Grace received a text message from Alexa, "I need you to call me right now." Grace told Jacob, "Excuse me for 1 minute. I need to run to the ladies room." Grace ran out to the front of the restaurant and dialed Alexa's number. Alexa picked up with a deep voice, "I need help." Grace screamed, "What's  going on? Are you alright?" Alexa told her, "I still have feelings for Jacob." Grace looked down, "I need to go."

When she got back to the table Jacob was wondering what took her so long.  Grace claimed that there was a long line. Grace asked, "Why they hell do you want to date me?" He replied, "Because your special." Grace smiled, "No I am not-Alexa is. If Alexa was here she would blow up." Jacob said in a deeper tone, "Well, Alexa isn't here." Jacob leaned in for a kiss. Grace followed. She thought to herself, "Well then...Alexa has it made." She smiled. Jacob frightened her, "What's on your mind?" Grace replied, "Just my love for you." They nestled in for another kiss. Grace checked the time and told Jacob she had to go. As Grace got up he grabbed her purse and whispered, "I love you Grace Smith." She smiled and said the same thing back.

While they were in the limo Grace fell asleep on Jacob's lap. When they got to Grace's house, she got up and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I had fun." Jacob smiled as Grace walked into her house. He whispered as she walked into the door, "I had fun too."

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