Chapter 3

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At school during lunch on Monday, Alexa was telling everyone at the table that she had feelings for Jacob. Grace kept her mouth shut because she knew that Alexa would play "Alexa Style". Later around 2 Grace checked her Twitter and it was full of her and Jacob kissing. Someone got a creepy stalker photo and leaked it to the internet. Then Grace saw a retweet: @/Alexaajohnson- "Ughhhhh I can't believe that, that bitch would ever do that!!!!! OMG I h8 her sooooo much. Just wait until she sees thhhisssssss." I screamed inside. Alexa retweeted the picture from Callie, who retweeted it from @/Sophiemariee. Sophie Marie was a freshman. At carline Grace rushed to Sophie and screamed into her face, "What the hell is wrong with you, you dumb ass stalker?" She whispered, "I, I, I, I didn't mean too. I posted the wrong photo." Grace screamed, "Why didn't you delete it then, huh?" She trembled, "Um, I, forgot I posted because uh it got a lot of favorites and retweets in a minute." She smacked the books out of Sophie's hands and the glasses off her head. Grace shoved her arms out and walked away in tears. She drove off in her BMW leaving Alexa.

Later that night Grace gave Jacob a call, "Did you see what happened? Now Alexa hates my guts." He replied, "Yeah I saw what happened, but why should we care what others think? All I care about is what you think. If you don't think this is a good relationship,  just tell me." She put her head down, "I have lost all my friends." He responded, "Make new ones." Grace smirked, "I love you and miss you. See you tomorrow." He exclaimed, "I love you more." She hung up her phone and closed her eyes. 2 minutes later she received a text message from Jacob: Goodnight my beautiful Grace. I'm so blessed you have you in my life. I couldn't picture a life without you. Every single time we talk it makes my day. Have sweet dreams my special girlfriend. Grace replied: Goodnight my handsome Jacob. Sweet dreams love.

Later that night she received a private tweet from Alexa: Thank you very much. I wouldn't have done this if you told me. I have leaked to every social media your little lie: that you wear a little bear under your flannels every day; and I add a special addition: You only fall for guys that I have been madly in love with. I hope you enjoy people trying to look under your shirt tomorrow!!!! Also I hope you love it when Jacob breaks up with you tomorrow. Your welcome. Sweet dreams my little devil.  Grace shut her laptop and threw it on the ground. She cried herself to sleep that night. Words hurt.

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