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Will(DAgames) pov
I watch in shock and horror as my friend get crushed by springlocks "okay now that this challenge is done you guys can move on"the glitchy voice said "who are you"I say "oh now if I told that would ruin the surprise at the end"The voice said once we all got to the next challenge we all waited for the voice to talk again "hey will"I hear Charlie sa to me "yeah"I say back to him "I don't think this is a game anymore"he says and just looks down "it's not"I say putting my arm around my younger friend "welcome to the next challenge"the voice finally said "in this challenge you have to play rock, paper, scissors the loser of both rounds will play the game with each other"the voice explained "Charlie and Will you two will vs each other"the voice said "okay"Charlie said "rock paper scissors"we both say at the same time and I picked rock and Charlie picked scissors "okay Igor and euria you two are next"the voice said.

Igor(TryHardNinja) pov
Me and euria stand in front of each other ready to play the game "rock paper scissor"we say together and I picked scissors and she picked paper "sorry"I say in a whisper to her "it's fine"she whispers back.

Charlie(cg5) pov
Me and euria just look at each other "rock paper scissors"we both say and I picked paper and she picked rock "no no no no"my mind kept saying over and over again because I was scared of what would happen to my friend.

Euria(or3o) pov
After me and Charlie said the rock paper scissors thing he picked paper and I picked rock I walk over to home and just hug him and he hugs tightly back then I feel something shoot into my back and everything turned black.

Charlie(cg5) pov
"Euria" I say waiting for a response "EURIA"I yell knowing that she might be dead I just look at her limp body that is in my arms "no"I say under my breath as tears go into my eyes I see Will just walk over to me and wrap his arms around me I do the same thing back as break into tears"

Okay I feel really bad for Charlie because his friend just died in his arms anyways have a good day also this book won't be updated for about 10 days because I am going on a trip to Germany and the house my and my family are staying in has no Wi-Fi so sorry about that.

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