Part 5

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Damon drove with Sam to the bar where Crowley told them Dean would be.

"You think Em is in there too?" Damon asked, hopeful.

"That would almost be too easy, but he might have a good idea as to where Emma is," Sam sighed before getting out of the car.

Inside the bar was completely empty, except for the bartender who was wiping down glasses. Dean was sat at the piano, mindlessly plunking keys.

He finally looked up, "Hiya Sam...I see you're hanging with bloodsuckers these days."

"Yeah, that never gets old," Damon rolled his eyes as he put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Hey Harv, why don't you go out for a smoke," Dean yelled to the bartender, who nodded and walked into the back without questioning anything, Dean turned back to Sam and Damon, "who called you?"

"Does it matter?" Sam crossed his arms.

"Not really," Dean shrugged, "I told you to let me go."

"You know I can't do that," Sam tried to find one speck of familiarity in his brother.

"Crowley ratted you out by the way," Damon was taking a more aggressive approach.

Dean downed what was left in his glass, "Sounds like him."

"Where is Emma?" Damon asked, finally loosing his patience.

Dean smirked at the vampire, "Not here, ask your new pal Crowley."

Sam put a hand on Damon's shoulder when he heard the vampire let out a small possessive growl, "Dean, hold on a second. You don't have to do this. Look, we know how to cure demons. You remember that?"

"Little Latin, lot of blood. It rings a bell," Dean looked at his brother, "did you ever stop to think that if I wanted to be cured, I wouldn't have bailed?"

"That was Crowley," Sam was quick to place the blame on anyone but Dean.

Dean wasn't so forgiving and smiled, "It really wasn't."

"It doesn't matter, all right? 'Cause whatever went down, whatever happened, we will fix it," Sam assured his brother.

"Will we? You can't fix Emma, she's gone now, and me...well right now, I'm doing all I can to not come over there and rip your throat out... with my teeth. I'm giving you a chance, Sam. You should take it," Dean looked at both men menacingly.

"We're gonna have to pass," Sam stood his ground.

"Why can't we fix Emma?" Damon asked.

"Crowley is using a brainwashing spell," Dean's emotion seemed to change at the mention of Emma at Crowley's disposal, "after awhile, all of her'll be gone."

"Then help us get her back," Sam noticed the change in his brother and decided to use another angle.

"Well, I'm not walking out that door with you. I'm just not. So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me?" Dean challenged them.

"No." "Yes."

Damon and Sam looked at each other when their answer didn't align.

Dean saw an opportunity to create a rift, "Oops, look like I started a marital spat. So what's it gonna be? You gonna let him kill me Sammy? You don't know what I've done, I might deserve it."
"Well, I don't care," Sam looked at Damon as if daring him to make a move before he looked back at Dean, "because you are my brother. And I'm here to take you home."

Dean started laughing and mocking Sam, "'You're my brother, and I'm here to take you home.'; yeah, what is this, a Lifetime movie? Huh? With your puppy-dog eyes? Oh, thanks, Sammy. I needed that."

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