Chapter 1

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My vision was black. It was so dark that I couldn't even see whether my hand was in front of my face.

Bang! Bang!

The sound was right in front of me. I felt something cold, almost metal-like, touch my nose.

"Be careful!" a voice yelled. "He could be anywhere! You don't want to accidentally kill him! We need him after all!"

Him? Are they talking about me? I can't remember who I am. Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamakura are the only names that come to mind. Others suddenly flooded my head: Nagito Komaeda, Chiaki Nanami, and several others. Kazuichi Soda, Sonia Nevermind, Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu, Akane Owari as well. However, three stood out the most: Junko Enoshima, Monokuma, and Monomi.

Who are those people? Am I one of them?

Crack! Suddenly, I was blinded by the sun.

"I found him!" The person in front of me called.

I couldn't make out his face, for my vision was still blurry.

The man then dragged me out of the crate I was previously encased in.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder for support. I felt extremely weak. I glanced down to see a knife jabbed into my side.

"He's bleeding, but he's fine!" The guy I clung to yelled.

It was difficult to move, and my entire body hurt. My vision went completely black.

This time, I woke up in a hospital. I was shirtless with a bandage wrapped around my waist. It was soaked on one side with blood.

Deep red blood.

This is real life. No more of that neon pink blood I once believed was real.

I then looked in the mirror.

A man with tan skin, spikey brown hair, and green and red eyes stared back at me.

"Hinata-kun"...?" a voice mumbled.

I turned my head to see a white-haired boy. His eyes were pale green and his skin sickly white. His skin was covered with bandages; they wrapped around his arms, and legs, over one eye, around his waist, and even one of his hands. He had stitches above one of his arms, with long, red acrylic nails. His other hand had short nails with black nail polish.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

His smile quickly dissipated.

"I'm sorry, I lost all my memories. I don't really remember much." I apologized.

He sat up. It was painful to watch how he struggled to sit up with his injuries.

"I'm Nagito Komaeda." He smiled at me.

Komaeda... I remember that name. Maybe he was important to me.

"If you look to the other side, you'll see Nanami," Nagito grinned.

I looked over to see a blonde-haired girl next to me. Her eyes were still closed. She wore a spaceship hairpin and a uniform.

I turned my head back to Komaeda, but he was missing.

"Komaeda?" I called out.

Suddenly, I felt strong hands on top of mine.

"What are you doing?"I yelled.

I saw Nagito holding onto me. He hovered over me, seemingly trying to get a better look at me.

He lay down on top of me, his head on my chest.

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