Chapter 6

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A few months later, I'm brought into Byakua's office.

"You said you needed to talk to me, sir?" I asked

He nodded.

He had his legs crossed with Toko at his feet.

That's disturbing...


I sat down in the chair across from him.

"We're all aware how you have no memory. Correct?"

"Yes, sir"

"How much do you remember."

"Everything is a blur. I'm sorry if I'm not helpful"

"Damn right you're not!" Byakuya snapped.

I jumped a bit, not excepting him to have that reaction.

"I'm sorry. But, what do my memories have to do with anything?" I asked

He stood up, kicking Toko away from him, and left to another part of the office.

Toko quietly giggled, but it didn't sound like her laugh.

"Oh, it's been too long" She giggled.

"Ms. Fukawa?" I headed over toward her.

She stood quickly, and almost inhumanly. Toko grabbed my wrist and used all of her body weight to pin me against the wall.

"So what? You like taking advantage of women or some shit?" she growled

"What?! No! I would never! This is a misunderstanding! I swear! I had no intentions of anything! I was just worried!" I said, thrashing around.

She tightened her grip and held a pair of scissors to my neck.

"You're not my type," She said and shrugged.

She let me go and headed to where Byakuya was.

"I could smell that rich ass perfume from miles away." She said, grabbing his face.

"And what do you want, Syo?" he said, rolling his eyes.

"This!" she smiled.

She then slammed Byakuya's head into the doorframe.

She walked off as if she didn't just leave him there unconscious.

I stood there, frozen.

"Aoi was right!" Syo chuckled "That felt awesome! Sadly I'm not allowed to kill the bastard."

She groaned as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Am- i- Can I go?" I asked

"Yeah, sure, you know where the door is" She yawned.

I quickly; left, keeping my head lowered.




I walked back to my apartment. I was met with something in my living room. A black and white bear was standing right in front of me.

A flash went off, and my vision went black.

"back to the games for you.." a quiet voice said, "back for all of you."

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