Chapter 7

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First, I was encased in a crate I hid in, and now, I'm trapped in a locker.




Let me out

Let me out


I banged on the metal door.

Hit after hit, kick after kick.

I screamed and yelled.

But no one came. . .

"Please let me out..." I quietly sobbed

I saw a girl fall out of a locker.

She had long blonde hair. When she turned her head, I could see her violet eyes.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to shake the locker.

Her eyes widened in fear when she saw the locker moving.

"Help me! Please!" I begged

She nodded and helped pry open the door.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

I nodded.

"I'm Hajime," I said.

"Kaede" she smiled.

"No!" we heard a scream "No! Not again!"

I stepped out to see who it was.

Aoi was on her knees, quietly sobbing into her hands.

"Not again, I can't do this again." She cried

Then, an extremely muscular woman came in.

"There you are" the girl whispered.

She has tanned skin, blue eyes, white hair, and scars all over her body.

"Sakura..." Aoi looked up.

Asahina jumped nto her arms.

"Are you alright Aoi, darling?" Sakura asked.

She held Aoi, as well as comforted her easily.

"Is everyone alive?" Aoi whispered.

Sakura nodded.

Byaku came from the corner.

"They're all alive," he said.

"I know that." Aoi smiled.

"There are new students too" Byakuya groaned.

"Really?" Sakura asked.

Byakuya nodded, pointing to his back. A small, purple-haired, and purple-eyed boy was attached to Byakuya.

"I'm Kokichi Oma! The Ultimate Supreme Leader!" he said proudly.

"Someone get this parasite off me" Byakuya growled.

Kokichi stuck his tongue out, clinging tight.

We explored our surroundings, then we heard Kokichi yell.

He ran off. Despite his small height, he was fast, and we lost him quickly.

I sighed.

I need to find Komaeda...

I continued to walk until I bumped into a tall... Man..? Woman..? It was difficult to tell.

"Greetings," they said.

They had narrow, gold eyes, pale skin, and dark greenish hair, and wore a mask.

"Have you seen a white-haired boy anywhere?" I asked.

"White-haired male." They thought for a moment. "I have seen a white-haired woman, but not a male." They shook their heads and ran away. I followed them, but they disappeared into the crowd. I was left alone, searching for Nagito.

Where I can find Peko, I can find Fuyuhiko, and possibly Kazuichi, and that is where I can find Nagito. He's always either around me, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, or Chiaki.

I just hope to find him soon...

It feels like we've been apart for years... I miss him... I want to see him again.

We haven't been separated for this long... It feels difficult to breathe. Am I going crazy?

I feel exhausted. He's like my battery. He keeps me energized and he keeps me feeling... Alive...

I continued to search around the school, seeing some people I knew, but a majority I didn't.

It totaled 48 students, including me...

What did Monokuma want from all of these people?

"It seems to be another killing game" I heard Nagito say. "What luck I have."

I ran towards his voice, and I finally found him. He was talking to someone. I suppose I missed someone, how strange...

She looked older like an adult. She had orange hair and green eyes.

There were other adults around her and Nagito.

They all seemed to be discussing something serious...

"Excuse me," I said weakly. "What's going on?"

They all turned their heads to me.

Nagito ran to me, taking both my hands in his.

Suddenly, the ceiling fell... And all adults were killed.

My eyes widened, and I backed away.

"What... what's going on?" I murmured.

I felt sick to my stomach. How did this happen? Why did it happen?

Nagito's face remained emotionless like he'd seen this happen many times.

He lowered his head and held his chin as he pondered, "Maybe this game differs from the usual rules..?" Nagito wondered.

"Nagito, tell me what the fuck is going on!" I yelled, having an outburst of anger.

"It's happening again, Hajime... you... no... all of these people in this building have experienced a killing game. It seems Monokuma is putting us... In our final trial," he replied.

I was silent

What was I supposed to say about that information?

I'll make sure to end this killing game... once and for all. Even if I have to make...

A sacrifice...

{{Sorry for not posting, I had a lack of motivation for a while, and I finally finished this chapter}}

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