Chapter 3

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I was stared at like I was an animal in a zoo or a psych ward escapee.

"Is there an issue?" I asked. "I sure hope not."

"What kind of creepy thing is that?" Hiyoko blurted.

She was the same as a child. Blurting out obscene things. Things that had no meaning. She was loud-mouthed and always whined and made obnoxious sounds.

She hid behind her precious Mahiru when she realized I was staring at her. She looked like a dog with its tail between its legs.

I looked around and stopped at the Impostor.

"Have we met?" I asked, walking towards him.

He stood firm.

"I was once known as Byakuya Togami," He said. "I'd prefer for you to call me the Ultimate Impostor,

I could tell he was trying to seem tough, and not tremble.

It was pleasurable to see people cowering in fear.

However, four never did.

"Oh, Babe!" A voice yelled,

I turned over to see her, the Queen of Despair

"Enoshima" I turned to face her.

Makoto, Aoi, Byakuya, and Toko were rightfully frightened.

Junko wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me towards her.

"How's my guy?" She smiled, then kissed the bridge of my nose.

"I suppose I'm well."

"You suppose? I think I know the best way to cheer you up, babes."

"I'd rather not."

"Why not? Bloodshed is always fun" She grinned.

I rolled my eyes and shoved her away.

"Don't touch me," I commanded.

And like the crazy bitch she is, Junko obeyed.

I walked over to the cafeteria and noticed something Hinata hadn't noticed before.

We are the only people in this god-forsaken hospital. Who knew we were here?

Something is wrong... very wrong.

I ran into a familiar face.

Mukuro Ikusaba. We both locked eyes, neither saying a word.

"Well, this is just great! Kamakura and my sister remeeting! Or something." Junko grinned.

"What are you planning?" I asked.

Junko tilted her head like a confused dog.

"Whatcha mean?" she asked innocently. "You think little ol' me is planning something Zuru?"

She giggled as her arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"I know you are. Mukuro, spill." I ordered

"Of course," she began.

"No! It's more fun this way!" Junko pouted.

"Shut up!"


"I said, 'Shut up' Now be the good pet you are and keep your mouth shut. Being here is tiresome enough. So let me get some intel on what you plan on doing to everyone."

"Well, Junko is intending to put everyone in this hospital in another killing game. Similar to the one she put the first survivors in," Mukuro explained.

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