Chapter 9

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Casey's POV

I was currently at my shoot. When I arrived, I had gotten my hair and makeup done before getting dressed in the outfit, that was chosen for me. It was a black top, that I had to put quite a lot of trust in, for it not to flash anything. Everything was fine and going according to the schedule until the door to the studio opened and in walked someone I didn't expect. 

Yeah, you guessed it... Leah.

This was one of the final photos of the shoot -

My eyes widened as I was in shock over, she was here

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My eyes widened as I was in shock over, she was here. I had too many questions.

What is she doing here?

How did she know where I was?

And finally...

Why does she have to look so damn good all the time? It's annoying.

Once we locked eyes, she just smirked at me. My immediate thought was 'Oh no, she's up to something', which she was. I told the photographer to stop and take a break while I dealt with Leah. The smirk on her face screamed trouble and it wasn't something I wanted this instant. So, I walked over to Leah determined and she just continued to check me out, looking me up and down.

"What the hell are you doing here? I said sternly as I pulled her to the side. She seemed quite surprised by the tone in my voice but quickly shrugged it off.

"Relax baby. I just came to return you forgot last night." She said and I rolled my eyes over her calling me baby. But at the same time wondered over what I had forgotten, I was pretty sure I had gotten everything. But again, I was in quite a hurry this morning, so I might have missed something.

She dug her hand into her back pocket and hung the item in her finger, just letting it swing back and forth for everyone to see. Some of you may have guessed it. Leah had come to return my panties from last night. And apparently judging from the look on her face thought it was funny and amusing to hang them from her finger for the entire world to see. If it wasn't obvious, I didn't even find it remotely funny, so I quickly snatched them from her finger and placed them in my bag before dealing furthermore with Leah. At the moment I really wasn't a fan of Leah's.

I took a deep breath. I could feel within myself if I didn't, I would totally explode at Leah, and she didn't deserve that. I had exactly the 'relationship' I wanted with Leah at the moment, and I didn't want to risk messing with that.

"Leah, look. Clearly, you don't respect what I do because if you did, you wouldn't have done something like this. But I need you to understand, this is my job, a professional workplace. I can't have the people I sleep with returning my panties in front of my colleagues, okay?" It looked like it was first at that point, she understood what she did was wrong. "How would you feel if I showed up at your training dangling your panties from my finger for your teammates and coaches to see?" I asked and Leah just looked at the ground, not answering. She was probably feeling ashamed and embarrassed about what she did, with good reason.

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