Chapter 31

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Casey's POV-

The next few weeks flew by in a flash. Leah and I were inseparable, spending all our time together, either at her place or mine. It had become a routine for us to spend the nights together, and if by chance we couldn't, I found it hard to fall asleep. I had gotten so used to having her by my side, feeling the warmth of her body next to mine. Without her there, I just couldn't unwind and relax.

During this time, Mason remained an important part of our lives. We continued to meet up with him multiple times a week, and with each meeting, we discovered more about one another. In our last meet-up, we had taken a DNA test beforehand and showed up with the results in a closed envelope. We opened them together, and it turns out Mason is indeed 100% my biological brother. I felt a huge sense of relief because for so long I thought I didn't have any family left. Turns out I do; I just didn't know it before now.

Leah and I were enjoying a cozy evening on the couch, wrapped up in each other's arms while watching a movie. Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my back pocket, grabbing my attention. Glancing at the caller ID, I saw it was Mason calling.

"Hey Mason," I answered, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Casey. Are you with Leah right now?" Mason asked.

"That's a stupid question, I'm always with Leah" I playfully replied.

"Can you please put the phone on speaker? I have something to ask both of you" Mason requested.

"Sure thing," I said, activating the speakerphone. "Okay, Mason, we're on speaker. What's on your mind? Leah chimed in.

"I was thinking, would you guys like to come over for dinner tomorrow? It's about time you meet Claire and Ellie, don't you think?" Mason asked.

Mason's invitation got me really excited. It wasn't just about meeting any random person; it was about meeting my niece for the first time. I felt a rush of anticipation, knowing that I would hopefully spend a lot of time with her in the future. I genuinely wanted our meeting to go smoothly, and most importantly, I hoped she would like me.

Before I knew it, tomorrow had come and Leah and I found ourselves standing in front of Mason's door, a mix of nerves and anticipation filling the air. We knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before the door opened and revealed Mason standing next to a woman, that I presumed to be his wife, Claire.

"Welcome, Casey and Leah. I'm so happy to finally meet you. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about the both of you," Claire exclaimed as she pulled first me and then Leah in for a loving hug.

"It's amazing to finally meet you, Claire, this one doesn't stop talking about you and Ellie," I playfully said referring to Mason.

"Speaking of Ellie, do you want to go say hi to her? She's in her room." Mason asked. This made me even more nervous and excited than I already was. I couldn't wait to see how she was going to react. I just had a feeling; this would be a core memory for me and her. The start of our relationship.

I bit down on my lip to stop myself from smiling too much as I eagerly nodded my head up and down. I think Leah could sense my nerves rising, and being my person, knowing exactly how to calm me, she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. As she did that, I stopped turning around to face Leah, pulling her in for a loving kiss. Once we pulled away, I leaned my forehead against Leah's. "I love you," I whispered before pecking her lips once more. In that moment, I felt like I could do anything, as long as I had Leah by my side.

Mason and Claire led the way into Ellie's room, with Leah and me following closely behind. "Ellie, sweetheart, there are some special people I want you to meet," Mason said gently, stepping back aside with Claire to give Ellie a clear view of us.

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