Chapter 19

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Casey's POV -

I have been back in London for about a month now. A month of me and Leah basically being inseparable, spending as much time together as we possibly could. I still lived with Beth and Viv at their place, but I honestly couldn't remember the last time I was there. Leah's house felt more and more like home every time I was there. So, I mostly just wore Leah's clothes, whether I had to go to the store or go to a shoot, it didn't matter. I liked her clothes, she had a good sense of style. I had gotten a few comments regarding the new clothes I have been wearing lately from friends and people I work with, but I just brushed them off. It's none of their business anyway.

Over the last month, we had been at the same events, to dinner with our friends, and even gone to the club with the rest of the girls. In my mind, it felt like especially when at the club, that it was those moments I could see how much Leah in reality wanted this, wanted me. So, I in a way thought of it like a test, just to see how Leah would react to a certain situation. Whether that was her being drunk, someone flirting with her, or someone flirting with me. I didn't have anything against her drinking and getting a little drunk, I just had something against her acting like an idiot while drunk. So, I guess I just wanted to see how she would react when she got some drinks in her.

But despite my testing, Leah never once faltered. She always had my back, always made sure I was okay, and never once got possessive. It was almost like she knew that I was just testing her, and she was confident in her feelings for me. I'm sure she got a little jealous seeing other people flirt with me, but not once did she try to intervene to get control of the situation. We would talk about it after, in a healthy way that only grew us closer.

It's one thing hearing the person you love tell you a bunch of things that they're going to do. It's a whole other thing to see them actually doing them. Actions speak louder than words after all. I wanted, no I needed to see she meant what she said, I needed to see her wanting me, wanting us.

I think I'm finally ready for that last official step, I just hoped Leah still felt the same she did a little over a month ago and wanted that as well. I had invited Leah out on a date, that would take place tomorrow and if everything went according to plan, she would be mine, hopefully.


It's the next day and I've got everything planned for me and Leah's date tonight. I'm really looking forward to tonight. I don't want to screw this up.

I was on my way to Leah's apartment to pick her up. I could feel the nerves building, I don't even know why I'm so nervous, I guess tonight was the night that would make or break our relationship. Okay, now I'm just freaking myself even more out. I parked my car outside her house, I took a deep breath before knocking on her door. She opened it and I was at a loss for words, she looked so beautiful.

"Wow," I just said as I placed my hands around her waist pulling her closer to me. She smiled widely and placed her hands around my neck. I kissed her forehead sweetly. "You look gorgeous, pretty girl" I whispered in her ear.

"That was what I was going to say. You look stunning as always" Le said as she closed the distance and pecked my lips with and gentle, soft kiss.

"Ready to go, beautiful?" I asked as I took her hand in mine. Leah nodded, and I intertwined our fingers as I led her to my car. When we reached it, I opened her door for her before getting in myself. As I was driving Leah grabbed one of my hands interlocking our fingers and putting them in her lap.

Leah kept asking me where we were going, but I just kept telling her it was a surprise. Once we arrived her face lit up and she started smiling. The night started out with us going for a round of mini golf.

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