~ CHAPTER 1 - Sea of emotions ~

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The rain poured as the thunder shook the sky as its white light spread across it. The painful screams of a woman were heard all over the place. The footsteps grew louder across the wall as the Desai mansion filled with the screams and grunting of a woman. The footsteps grew louder across the wall as the Desai mansion filled with the screams and grunting of a woman.

Birth is a beautiful time in a woman's life, but at the same time, it is also filled with painful moments she has to endure. The queen, the mother of the Desai family, The beloved wife of Rajendra Desai was giving birth to the first, and only, princess of their mansion.

The last cry from her came in a rushed tone as she plopped herself back on the headrest. Her forehead filled with beads of sweat as she gasped for air after experiencing the pain of near-death.

Her lips curled in a smile as she gazed at the baby as the doctors placed it upside down and did their procedures. Her lips parted in amusement as they cut their umbilical cord off and as they cleaned the baby, whose cries filled the atmosphere.

After giving birth, most mothers become tired and their bodies force them to fall asleep.But there are some who are lucky to see their mother and baby bond before their umbilical cord gets cut off.

The doctors placed the baby in her mother's arms as it snuggled in her arms, even though soft cloth was wrapped all over her.

Doctor - Congratulations, Mrs. Desai... It's a girl.

The doctor exclaimed as she gazed at the beautiful baby girl. Her eyes grew wider as she gazed at the delicate features of her daughter. The doctors and nurses present in their room were awed as they viewed the mother-daughter relationship.

Doctor - What are you going to name her?

He asked as she turned her gaze towards him. She looked back at her baby as she smiled, her softening gaze falling upon her as she chuckled when she heard the little baby babbles her daughter gave.

Mrs. Desai - That eager to know your name, huh? .....

She leaned down to her daughter's ear as she whispered the words that made the whole sky shine in the rising sun's ray.

- Reena Desai.....

. . .

Mrs. Desai - Alexithymia?

She gasped as the doctors nodded their heads in disappointment. The woman placed her hand over her mouth, not being able to understand what was happening around them. She came out of her trance when Rajendra draped his hands over her.

Mrs. Desai - What are you saying, doctor?

She demanded, her voice slightly raised as she stood up holding her baby bump. The doctors gulped as they looked at each other before one of them stood up, sighing.

Doctor - I know it's not possible that Reena's having alexithymia... But it's true...

He didn't finish his sentence when she slammed the table, making all the doctors jump in their seats. Her eyes glowed in rage as her knuckles turned white from grabbing her purse tightly in her hand.

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