~ CHAPTER 4 - The Imposter King? ~

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The Thunder banged upon the ceiling making the sleeping beauty's deep slumber perturbed. 

Or that is what she thought. 

The banging continued as she groaned and got up on her feet, staggering from the heavy shots last night. 

Her feet dragged her towards the door which was still banging. She opened the door, annoyed by the fact that it was still early morning and someone is banging on the door. 

Her sloppy eyes met her father's angry yet panicked ones. People say to listen to your heart while some say the smartest one is to listen to your mind. 

But fuck that! Both of them screamed the same thing. 

" REENA! ".

Last night - Flashes 

The girl staggered as she tried to stay on her feet. 

- THat BaStarD. HE tEmEted mE and tHen what "SorrY SweTThearT BuT nExt Time??? " Huh! As IF I want to be with him!!!

She screamed and cursed. 

The guards looked towards her and rushed while one of them called the maids. 

Guard1- Mam! Are you okay? 

She looked up and smiled. 

- Yes Mr. Guard! I'm FINE!!

She yelled making them look at each other. While they contemplated on what to do with her a voice spoke. 

? -Ayushka!

The looked back and bowed when they saw the person along with the maids. 

Ayushka - OH!! EVerYone See It's LIttle Miss Perfect!! How are you MISs ReeNA? 

She babbled and held her purse as a mic and extended towards Reena. Reena looked at the purse then at her. She signaled the maids to take Ayushka back to her room. 

Ayushka - DON'T! 

They all stilled with wide eyes except Reena. 

Ayushka - Even think about it! 

Reena looked at her then walked towards her. 

Reena - It's late at night. You should be in bed.

Ayushka - OH REALLY? Well! I'm NOT a kid and I can do whatever I want. GOT IT? 

She spoke sternly but Reena had the same expression she'd always had. Blankness. Nothing less Nothing more. 

Ayushka clicked her tongue. 

Ayushka - You know I'm disappointed in you Reena Desai...

She said while chuckling like a mad person making the maids and the guards feel uneasy. 

Ayushka - Do you want to know why?

Her voice was uncanny as if a psychopath is trying to taunt it's prey. 

Ayushka - Because you're sickening.. 


The older maid yelled at her while Ayushka searched for something on Reena's eyes. 



She grabbed Reena's shoulders and shook her up. The guards and the maids held her back but she screamed at her. 

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