Chapter 2

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Bit of a time skip

Finger had a crush on Jammer Jones. He already had a wife and a kid. His wife was named Danni Dashing, and his son was named Fishie. He couldn't just leave them. He loved his son. His wife was ok but she wasn't as chill as his son.

"Ayo tf you doin over there Finger?" Danni Dashing said.

"Bish I'm trying to wash the dishes"

"Hurry tf up"

"Ok bbg"

Finger finished washing the dishes. He didn't really love Danni Dashing. He just thought he could hide it from her long enough that they wouldn't have to get a divorce or have to fight over Fishie.

But now he really wanted Hammer Jones. He was too goofy to turn down.

"One more thing, pookie." Danni said, "don't you dare cheat on me with

Finger knew what he had to do, "ok bana gril"

Finger decided to cheat on his wife with Jammer Jones.

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