Thats The ONE.

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The Prelude.

       The show ended as it usually did. Wally walked home cheerfully, and waved goodbye to his neighbors. Home opened its door to welcome its beloved Wally inside. Once alone Wally let out a loud sigh.

"We need something new, Home!"

He exhaled.

Home let out a couple knocks.

"NO. I don't want to paint something new. I need something new. A new experience. New stimulation. It might be time again..." He said with a solemn tone.

Home creaked in support.

"You have good beams, and big dreams Home! I can always count on you to encourage me! Ahh what a thrill it is to perform once again. Prepare the passageway to the ritual room please!" He announced with a flourish. In the center of the floor of the living room the floor board moved to reveal a square entrance with stairs descending down into a dark unknown space. Wally proceeded downwards until he reached his desired level. Within the room there was a table, a screen, some chairs, rope, and an assortment of various obscure items relevant to his world. On the farthest wall was a collection of symbols that are used as keys. All symbolizing areas of The Neighborhood. Wally approaches the screen.

"Who's watching right now Home? Let's check, and see!!! I love watching.. Their eyes are always so expressive. I love making them smile.. Don't you? They simply all adore me.. "

Home lights up the screen with various different humans currently watching the show, checking the website, or viewing from other media platforms. Anything relevant to Welcome Home he can see. It's so famous. He is so strong. This show has gone strong for a couple years now. 2 seasons. A new one in production.

"Ooohh!" Wally huffs. "How do I even pick? Any of them would be good. I know the last two didn't transition well...But I am just so lonely.. Hmm.."

He scans several screens until settling upon one of a young woman with tears in her eyes. She's rewatching an old episode from season one about Wally's birthday. Wally is the host of the show, and usually does everything to move the story along. In this episode the town comes together to throw him the best birthday he has ever seen so he feels appreciated, and loved. Wally is unsure if the episode brought her to tears, or if she was in tears prior to the episode and was simply watching for comfort. He loves to analyze. He likes the way the tears roll down her smooth skin, and contemplates the texture of his own.

"She looks like she could use a change of scenery. What do you think, Home?" Wally Asks.

Home groans in agreement.

"ha ha ha.. I knew you would agree..That's the most!"

A light lit up in the back of the room revealing a red tinted window with a Home's eye within it. It exuded an almost red glow as well. A low humming began to build. Wally began to mutter to himself a chant as he continued to focus on the distressed dame on his screen. With every mantra she grew sleepier, and sleepier. Until she was asleep, and all you could hear was the remnants of the episode playing in her background.

He listened carefully to the sound of her softly breathing.

"Time to transition, Mrs Darling." He said menacingly.

He continued to chant, but much louder this time. His room shook, lights flickered, and the humming has now crescendoed. The screen flashed in unison of the elements within Wally's universe. He could see lights flickering and electronics malfunctioning in her room. His ritual is working. His table was now a vortex of light, and void. A body began to appear within the interior of the void, and was slowly rising to the surface of Wallys table. He peered over the edge. He can hardly contain himself, but must continue his chant. Her body elevated must like rising up from the depth of a pool after being underwater. Once she completely arose the table turned solid once again. On Wallys screen she was no longer present, and was now with him. He finished his final mantra.

"A b r a c a d a b r a Welcome Home."

Wallys New Friend - Welcome Home ARG Fanfiction - WallyxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now