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Your vision is becoming clear. The environment is unsettling. Pins and needles trickle their way up and down your legs and arms.

"Can you wiggle your toes?" He asks.

You give an honest effort, and with success can move your feet. However, your feet feel like they are encapsulated in static electricity. You cringe at the sensation and turn your head to face this mysterious figure. This man is a yellow humanoid puppet. He is not the most extreme oddity you have seen in your travels. However, they are appearing as the most vivid.

"What are you..?" You blurt out.

Wally appears to be amused by this question and promptly responds.

"I am Wally Darling! The most beloved neighbor in our town called Home."

Dissatisfied with the answer you sigh. Your fingers trace the textures of the table below you. Control over your hands has been returned to you. Eager to move, you lift your arm. It drops back down to the table as if it were a magnet. Or perhaps a hammer. Wally continues to spectate your awakening. Finally, your arm can hold its own. To Wally's surprise, you reach toward him and lightly touch his cheek with just the tips of your fingers.

"You are fuzzy..?" You mutter in confusion.

Wally reaches up to retrieve your hand taking it in his.

"Yes. I am. You are..." He gets lost in thought as he returns the curious touch to your hand. He flips your hand over and begins to trace your palm. To your surprise, this tickled! An uncontrolled giggle filled the room, and Wally's eyes widened. A cheeky smile filled his cheeks, and he returned your hand to you.

"That hasn't happened before! That's the most!" He exclaimed.

"That's a first for me! I've never felt ticklish in a dream before!" You said with excitement.

The unsettling instinct you arrived with is slowly dissipating. There seems to be no imminent danger. What replaces those fears are fantasies of adventure. Your body is awakening, and you can put support on your arms. You notice you are wearing what you were wearing while you were crying in bed. An oversized Tee, and underwear. Classy. You sit up and glance over at Wally. His expression has darkened.

"I apologize in advance...I know you just woke up.." He stifles a laugh. Then inserts a needle into your arm with an unknown liquid.

"I gotta put you back down..."

Consciousness fades.

You can hear him continue rambling as your body becomes heavy once again.

"This is how I do things. Can't have ya knowing where my darkroom is! However! When you wake up I have a surprise for you Y/N! You are gonna love it! It will be the MOST! I am going to make you so happy... you will see. Everyone will see how happy... You.. will be." 

Wallys New Friend - Welcome Home ARG Fanfiction - WallyxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now