Bicker Extract #1

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@realMirrormeanderUni: Costly damages to our main campus but no student lost their life. #ThankYouEros #ThankYouComet #RIPComet

@officialAjayChatterjee: Breaking News: Keyboard Warrior trounces Eros; Comet rises to fall. #JustIn

@dribby: @officialAjayChatterjee That was relevant ten minutes ago, dude! Get with the times! #oldnews

@politcallyincorrect: Power to Keyboard Warrior. A free thinker among sheeple.

@Bessie_V: @politicallyincorrect Truth!

@Beebobob: @politcallyincorrect Smh, I hope this is a parody account.

@truthmatters: @politicallyincorrect Disgusting but not unexpected. So desperate for likes and clicks. Have you considered the harm people like Keyboard Warrior contribute to society? Have you considered that irresponsible statements empower them to influence weak-minded people?

@desi_boy_007: Way sick! Not every day you catch live action like that!

@everyonesstan: @desi_boy_007 Violence should never be trivialized and people uploading these videos should be banned. What message does this send to children?

@dribby: @everyonesstan Bruh, get a life. Besides, every good story teaches children to root for the underdog. Keyboard Warrior IS the underdog. #ErosFailure

@realKarenChamberlain: Comet's flame will forever burn as sparks in our hearts. Her legacy will forever hold depravity at bay. Once I have grieved her loss, I will rise, fired up, and work toward the justice and equality she fought to uphold. #RememberComet #RIPComet #ThankYouEros

@mindingmyownbusiness: @realKarenChamberlain Politicking much, smh...

@justice4all: @realKarenChamberlain You speak for all of us! #RememberComet

@beyondillusion: @realKarenChamberlain Why glorify the overpowered and privileged who can't mind their own business? We, the people, never asked Eros or Comet to police us. They had it coming. You should shut up and worry about service delivery instead of spreading propaganda. #KarenMustFall

@georgieboy: @beyondillusion Privilege? I call it patriotism, sacrifice, service to humanity. #RememberComet

@proudlydifferent: I can't imagine what Eros must be going through. Mah baby must be so lonely without someone to cuddle. #itsokaynottobeokay

@jazz_mayn: @proudlydifferent Lol, I couldn't distinguish between his tears and snot! #ErosFailure

@derric: @proudlydifferent Bruh, GigaChads always have someone to cuddle.

@NotALoser: Internet! Do your thing! #EROSMUSTFALL

@JimmyJr: @NotALoser Based! #ErosFailure

@idontcarewhatyouthink: @JimmyJr You're a sad little man who will never match Eros' accomplishments. Seriously, ditch your fragile masculinity, leave the basement, shower, hit the gym! Start living and quit whining!

@KeyboardArmy: @idontcarewhatyouthink They need to cut the number of characters allowed on this app. Can't stand these lectures. #ErosFailure 

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