Bicker Extract #4

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@dribby: Disgraceful conduct from @MMPD. After deceiving the people, covering up shortcomings, they're still fumbling explanations. Lol, sinkholes? Seriously? Smh, they really thought we're idiots. I'll never trust that institution until radical leadership and policy transformations take place. #accountability

@truthmatters: @dribby You know what I stand for but I am willing to make an exception in this case. When the truth came out, people tried rushing straight to the scene. The cops were just trying to keep everyone out of danger. They saved lives.

@dribby: @truthmatters Sure, make excuses and watch how much further they push it next time. I say we nip this in the bud. #accountability

@realKarenChamberlain: Upon personal reflection and cognizance of public opinion, I have decided the holograms will no longer shine in place of the demolished Eros statues. Plans for reconstruction have also been postponed until all stakeholders, Asmodeus included, engage in meaningful dialogue and funding for damages to public and private property has been negotiated. While Asmodeus has my gratitude, this approach honours the justice and equality this office strives to uphold. #WhereIsAsmodeus #ThankYouAsmodeus #OurGuardian

@proudlydifferent: @realKarenChamberlain Quick and thoughtless to judge mah baby but slow and thoughtful to forgive him. Asmodeus deserves better than Mirrormeander. #ThankYouAsmodeus #OurGuardian

@bravedave: @proudlydifferent Have you already forgotten what "your baby" did at Cash-Strapped Bank? Mayor Chamberlain is correct. Asmodeus has a case to answer. He must be treated the same as anyone else. #WakeUp #OurMayor #JusticeAndEquality

@BubbaBanks: @realKarenChamberlain Tell us more about ongoing discussions to have armed security at the Gemini from now on. #authoritarianism #dystopia

@derric: @bravedave Shut up, troll. #EmbraceYourFlaws #IAMHUMAN

@bravedave: @derric Lol, those hashtags were relevant last week! Keep up with the times, bruh! #oldnews

@officialAjayChatterjee: Seems discussing a future without a guardian may be on the table. In other news, Morris Cane, the mastermind behind last week's Gemini takeover, has claimed Tristan Travis, a local construction worker, is Asmodeus. I have uncovered no concrete evidence supporting Cane's revelation but the murder of Victor Travis certainly raises eyebrows. #WhereIsAsmodeus #OurGuardian

@Beebobob: @officialAjayChatterjee Didn't your expert panel conclude Asmodeus requires empathy and support after all he endured? Asmodeus is going nowhere. He has earned himself a break and will be back shortly. Don't jump to a future without him for the sake of ratings. #EmbraceYourFlaws #IAMHUMAN #MentalHealthAwareness

@DripNerd: @officialAjayChatterjee Totally sus!

@KeyboardArmy: @officialAjayChatterjee Bruh, that panel conjured excuses for the guy. You'd think he was holding their children hostage or something. #youdoyou

@justice4all: @officialAjayChatterjee Asmodeus is a random construction worker? That crackpot must have gotten a nastier beating than the media reported or he's just trying to deflect. Either way, should have him psychoanalysed before standing trial.

@Bessie_V: @KeyboardArmy Ashamed to have been associated with your ilk.

@idontcarewhatyouthink: @KeyboardArmy Lol, somebody tell this guy what happened to Keyboard Warrior irl. Seriously, we could do with a few more of them going that route.

@brianna_nanna: One week and we're already experiencing a surge in crime. While the MMPD have been improving their street presence, I feel the situation will only worsen without Asmodeus' assistance. #WhereIsAsmodeus #ThankYouAsmodeus #OurGuardian

@beyondillusion: @brianna_nanna You wish! #NotMyGuardian

@we_all_deserve: @brianna_nanna I say this over and over. Why can't the government just give more people powers? We're supposed to be equal. Problem solved. You're welcome.

@Shelly: @brianna_nanna Hope you're paying attention to these statistics, @officialAjayChatterjee.

@NotALoser: Asmodeus and I have secretly gotten married. All I can say is that he's safe and our location will remain private until after the honeymoon.

@peacelovingcarbonlifeform: @NotALoser Lol

@Marcus: @NotALoser Shut up, troll! Seriously, people, we need to block anyone associated with the Internet! Strike while the iron is hot! #EnoughIsEnough 

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